\name{Chromosome14} \alias{chr14} \alias{affy.cn} \alias{affy.pos} \alias{ill.cn} \alias{ill.pos} \alias{bac.cn} \alias{bac.pos} \docType{data} \title{Example data from several quantitative genomic methods} \description{ A collection of arrays that contains data of chromosome 14 of 3 colorectal tumors. The first tumor shows 1 region of loss, the second tumor shows no abberation, while the third tumor shows loss of 1 copy of the chromosome. \describe{ \item{affy.cn}{ Copy number values of 358 probes from Affymetrix 10K genechip. Data was obtained from DChip} \item{affy.pos}{ corresponding probe positions} \item{bac.cn}{ Copy number values of 112 probes from a 1 mb spaced BAC array-CGH } \item{bac.pos}{ corresponding probe positions} \item{ill.cn}{ Copy number values of 207 probes from Illumina GoldenGate Linkage IV data} \item{ill.pos}{ corresponding probe positions} } } \usage{ data(chr14) } \format{Matrices of copy number values and vectors of chromosomal probe positions} \author{Jan Oosting} \keyword{datasets}