\name{calcCV} \alias{calcCV} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Calculates the Average Gene-Specific Coefficient of Variation } \description{ This function calculates the coefficient of variation for each gene in the qPCR experiment, and returns the average coefficient of variation across all genes. } \usage{ calcCV(qBatch) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{qBatch}{ A \code{qpcrBatch} object. } } \value{ A \code{numeric} value. } \author{ Jess Mar \email{jess@jimmy.harvard.edu} } \examples{ data(qpcrBatch.object) mynormRI.data <- normQpcrRankInvariant(qpcrBatch.object, 1) mynormQuant.data <- normQpcrQuantile(qpcrBatch.object) barplot(c(calcCV(mynormRI.data), calcCV(mynormQuant.data)), col=c("red", "blue")) } \keyword{univar}