\name{writeSeaflow} \alias{writeSeaflow} \title{Write A SeaFlow File} \description{ writes a binary seaflow event file from a dataframe in memory } \usage{ writeSeaflow(file.path, df, column.names = EVT.HEADER) } \arguments{ \item{file.path}{System path to the binary seaflow event file.} \item{df}{SeaFlow dataframe in memory to be written to disk.} \item{column.names}{Names of the columns. By default it uses the global variable 'EVT.HEADER'} } \examples{ opp.path <- system.file("extdata","seaflow_cruise","2011_001", "1.evt.opp", package="flowPhyto") opp <- readSeaflow(opp.path) writeSeaflow('./tmp.seaflow', opp) Sys.sleep(30) # for windows build }