\name{summarizeFile} \alias{summarizeFile} \title{Compute aggregate statistics on a collection of opp or fcs files.} \description{ perform aggregate statistics on a particular combination of filtered opp or fcs files for a particular population. } \usage{ summarizeFile(opp.paths, pop.names, output.path=getCruisePath(opp.paths[1])) } \arguments{ \item{opp.paths}{Path to the raw event file to be filtered.} \item{pop.names}{Abreviated name of the population subset to be summarized.} \item{output.path}{Path to the directory where you wish to output data.} } \value{ a single row dataframe (with header) file of per population aggregate statistics on both channels and log meta information } \examples{ example.cruise.name <- 'seaflow_cruise' temp.out.dir <- '.' seaflow.path <- system.file("extdata", example.cruise.name, package="flowPhyto") file.copy(from=seaflow.path, to=temp.out.dir, recursive=TRUE) opp.paths <- sapply(c(1,2,3), function(i) system.file("extdata","seaflow_cruise","2011_001", paste(i,'.evt.opp',sep=''), package="flowPhyto")) summarizeFile(opp.paths, pop.names='nano', output.path='.') ## optionally create a resample list ## to concatenate files conditionally on population concentrations #resamp.list <- createResampleList(cruise.path, # resample.min=500, resamp.concat.max=5) unlink(example.cruise.name, recursive=TRUE) }