\name{readSeaflow} \alias{readSeaflow} \title{Read a SeaFlow File} \description{ reads a binary SeaFlow event file and converts into an event dataframe } \usage{ readSeaflow(file.path, column.names = EVT.HEADER, column.size = 2, count.only=FALSE, add.yearday.file=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{file.path}{System path to the binary seaflow event file.} \item{column.names}{Names of the channels. By default it uses the standard SeaFlow channels described in 'EVT.HEADER' that are [1] "time" [2] "pulse_width" [3] "D1" [4] "D2" [5] "fsc_small" [6] "fsc_perp" [7] "fsc_big" [8] "pe" [9] "chl_small" [9] "chl_big" } \item{column.size}{Sizes in bytes of the columns. Set up at 2 by default} \item{count.only}{Just read the first line of the file (the event/line count). Use to check the conversion of the binary file. FALSE by default} \item{add.yearday.file}{append the year_day and file number as two final columns in the returned dataframe.} } \value{ returns a seaflow dataframe } \examples{ opp.file.path <- system.file("extdata","seaflow_cruise","2011_001", "1.evt.opp", package="flowPhyto") opp <- readSeaflow(opp.file.path) }