\name{plotCytogram} \alias{plotCytogram} \title{Plot a Phytoplankton Cytogram} \description{ Plot a Phytoplankton Cytogram } \usage{ plotCytogram(df, x.ax, y.ax, add.legend=FALSE, pop.def=POP.DEF, cex=0.5, pch=1, xlab = x.ax, ylab = y.ax, ...) } \arguments{ \item{df}{a dataframe of events (rows) and channels (columns).} \item{x.ax}{column to plot in the x.axis} \item{y.ax}{column to plot in the y.axis} \item{add.legend}{should the plot automatically generate a legend} \item{pop.def}{A population (rows) definition dataframe with parameters (columns) for gating and clustersing.} \item{cex}{character expansion for the points. Undefined background points are 1/3rd of the foreground points.} \item{pch}{point character} \item{xlab}{label for the x axis. by default equals x.ax} \item{ylab}{label for the y axis. by default equals y.ax} \item{...}{other paramters passed to plot} } \value{ a cytogram plot } \examples{ opp.file.path <- system.file("extdata","seaflow_cruise","2011_001", "1.evt.opp", package="flowPhyto") pop.file.path <- system.file("extdata","seaflow_cruise","pop.def.tab", package="flowPhyto") opp <- readSeaflow(opp.file.path) def <- readPopDef(pop.file.path) pop <- classify(x=opp, pop.def= def) # Visualize the result of Classify using the function plotCytogram() plotCytogram(pop, "fsc_small","chl_small", pop.def= def) }