\name{plotCruiseStats} \alias{plotCruiseStats} \title{Plot a seaflow cruise statistics} \description{ Read in the pop.stats.tab file and plot maps, or line plots of it and optionall sds info } \usage{ plotCruiseStats(cruise, x.var='map', y.vars=c('conc','chl_small','fsc_small'), pops= c("ultra", "synecho"), sds.var=NULL, date.range=as.POSIXct(c("2009-01-01", "2099-12-31"), tz='UTC'), output.path=paste(REPO.PATH, cruise,'/plots/',sep=''), ...) } \arguments{ \item{cruise}{Simplified cruise name (same name as the subdirectory in the seaflow data dir).} \item{x.var}{X variable: Either map or lat, long or time.} \item{y.vars}{Y variables: either conc, fluor, or fsc.} \item{pops}{Which populattions to plot. See the pop datastructure for abreviations to use.} \item{sds.var}{Which of the sds variables to plot as a secondary axis in a line plot.} \item{date.range}{date range.} \item{output.path}{Path to the directory where you wish to output data.} \item{...}{Additional parameters passed to plot.} } \value{ an overview statistics plot file is output to disk } \examples{ cruise <- system.file("extdata","seaflow_cruise", package="flowPhyto") plotCruiseStats(cruise=cruise, output.path='.') }