\name{joinSDS} \alias{joinSDS} \title{join this dataframe to the corresponding SDS log file entry.} \description{ perform aggregate statistics on a particular combination of filtered opp or fcs files for a particular population. } \usage{ joinSDS(x, opp.paths) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a OPP dataframe.} \item{opp.paths}{the named paths of the SDS files (names should be character strings of the corresponding file)} } \value{ a dataframe of the merge between the events and the SDS log info. } \examples{ opp.path <- system.file("extdata", 'seaflow_cruise','2011_001','1.evt.opp', package="flowPhyto") opp <- readSeaflow(opp.path, add.yearday.file=TRUE) opp.join <- joinSDS(opp, caroline::nv(opp.path, 1)) summary(opp.join) }