\name{getCruiseFiles} \alias{getCruiseFiles} \title{Get all of the files from a cruise.} \description{ This is a convenience function to grab all of the raw data files from the all of the julian day sub directories in a seaflow cruise directory. } \usage{ getCruiseFiles(cruise.dir='.', prefix='[0-9]{1,3}', ext='\\\\.evt', range=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{cruise.dir}{Path to cruise.} \item{prefix}{a prefix to add to the files you wish to list.} \item{ext}{extension of the files of interest.} \item{range}{A named, two-integer vector specifying the start and end (inclusive) range for subsetting the input files used in each analysis step (with the exception of summarize). Values should be a (evt/opp) file numbers and names should be strings corresponding to the year_julianday directory names. The nv() function is useful for creating this vector.} } \value{ a vector of cruise file names } \examples{ path <- system.file("extdata","seaflow_cruise", package="flowPhyto") getCruiseFiles(path) }