\name{consensusFile} \alias{consensusFile} \title{Create a consensus from several classification vector files and cross tabulate the population composition} \description{ Create a consensus from several classification vectors and cross tabulate the population composition } \usage{ consensusFile(opp.path, pattern='.[0-9]+-class.vct$', output.path= paste(.createOutputPath(opp.path, getCruisePath(opp.path)), ".consensus.vct", sep ="")) } \arguments{ \item{opp.path}{Path to OPP event file.} \item{pattern}{The suffix regular expression pattern used to find the n pass vector files for this opp file} \item{output.path}{Path to the directory where you wish to output data.} } \value{ a one dimentional consensus vector file on disk and an invisible vector in memory } \examples{ cruise.nm <- 'seaflow_cruise' temp.out.dir <- '.' seaflow.path <- system.file("extdata", cruise.nm, package="flowPhyto") file.copy(from=seaflow.path, to=temp.out.dir, recursive=TRUE) opp.file.path <- system.file("extdata","seaflow_cruise","2011_001", "1.evt.opp", package="flowPhyto") consensusFile(opp.path=paste(temp.out.dir,'/',cruise.nm,'/2011_001/1.evt.opp',sep='')) unlink(cruise.nm, recursive=TRUE) }