\name{flowFP-package} \docType{package} \alias{flowFP-package} \title{ Package overview } \description{ This package is used to explore flow cytometry data through the use of \emph{fingerprints}. The broad aim of the package is to transform flow cytometric data into a form amenable to algorithmic analysis tools. Thus, it is useful to think of \pkg{flowFP} as an intermediate step between the acquisition of high-throughput flow cytometric data and empirical modeling, machine learning and knowledge discovery. A \emph{fingerprint} is a feature vector meant to efficiently represent the multivariate probability distribution function for a flow cytometry data set. It is produced by first creating a data-relevant \emph{model} of a space, and then applying the model to a dataset, thereby producing fingerprints. Model creation is done through the \link{flowFPModel} constructor which can be customized via function arguments. After the model is built, it can be applied to arbitrary \link[flowCore:flowFrame-class]{flowFrame}s or \link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet}s using the \link{flowFP} constructor. The resulting S4 object implements plotting and summary methods that allow the user to compare and contrast instances, using the \code{flowFPModel} as a sort of basis representation, akin for example to trigonometric functions in a Fourier Transform. This package is closely integrated with \code{flowCore}. You will want to become familiar with it in order to effectively use \pkg{flowFP}. } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab flowFP\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.1.2\cr Depends: \tab R(>= 2.5.0), flowCore, flowViz\cr Collate: \tab flowFPModel.R flowFP.R\cr Bioinformatics: \tab Flowcytometry, CellBasedAssays, Clustering, Statistics, Visualization\cr License: \tab Artistic-2.0\cr Built: \tab R 2.8.0; unix\cr } } \section{Classes}{ \code{\link{flowFPModel-class}} is the fundamental class for the \pkg{flowFP} package. It represents the multivariate probability distribution function for a flow cytometry data set. Information is maintained in a number of slots, which should only be accessed through methods, described below, \bold{not by direct use of the @ operator}. For a complete detailed list of slot names and descriptions look at the \code{\link{flowFPModel-class}} help page. \code{\link{flowFP-class}} extends the \code{flowFPModel} and contains additional slots to record the assignment to and number of events in the bins of a \code{flowFPModel}. Methods are supplied to retrieve and visualize the the contents of a \code{flowFP}. \code{\link{flowFPPlex-class}} is a container for a set of congruent \code{flowFP} objects (by congruent, we mean that each \code{flowFP} is a description of the same set of instances). When constructing or appending \code{flowFP}s into a plex, simple error checking is done to ensure each instance in each \code{flowFP} is equivalent. Both the \code{sampleNames} and the \code{sampleClasses} slots are consulted for internal consistency. An error is generated if any of the \code{flowFP}s to be joined in a plex contain different \code{sampleNames} and/or s\code{ampleClasses}. } \section{Constructors}{ \code{\link{flowFPModel}} is the constructor for this class. \preformatted{ flowFPModel(fcs, name="Default Model", parameters=NULL, nRecursions="auto", dequantize=TRUE, sampleSize=NULL) } \tabular{ll}{ \code{fcs} \tab Either an \code{flowFrame} or a \code{flowSet} used to create the model.\cr \code{name} \tab Name given the model.\cr \code{parameters} \tab Parameters to consider when constructing the model.(e.g. c(1,5)). \cr \code{nRecursions} \tab The number of level of recursive subdivision. \cr \code{dequantize} \tab Setting this value causes a small incremental value to be added\cr \tab to each event starting with 1e-8. This effectively reduces the\cr \tab number of duplicate values to break ties when binning.\cr \code{sampleSize} \tab The max number of events to use out of each fcs file in a\cr \tab \code{flowFrame} or \code{flowSet}.\cr } \code{\link{flowFP}} is the constructor for this class. \preformatted{ flowFP(fcs, model=NULL, sampleClasses=NULL, ...) } \tabular{ll}{ \code{fcs} \tab Either an \code{flowFrame} or a \code{flowSet} used to create the fingerprint.\cr \code{model} \tab A model created using \code{flowFPModel} or NULL in which case\cr \tab a model will be created from the fcs data supplied.\cr \code{sampleClasses} \tab List of sample class names to be assigned in order to the instances. \cr \code{...} \tab If the \code{model} is NULL the parameters are passed through to\cr \tab \code{flowFPModel}. } \code{\link{flowFPPlex}} is the constructor for this class. \preformatted{ flowFPPlex(fingerprints=NULL) } \tabular{ll}{ \code{fingerprints} \tab Either an single \code{flowFP} or a list of \code{flowFP}s\cr \tab (e.g. \code{fingerprints = c(fp1, fp2)}). All of the fingerprints \cr \tab must share the same sample names, and class names (or no class names). } } \note{For further information please see the vignette.} \author{ Herb Holyst <\email{holyst@mail.med.upenn.edu}>, Wade Rogers <\email{rogersw@mail.med.upenn.edu}> } \seealso{ flowCore, flowViz } \examples{ # load a flowSet to use as an example. library(flowFP) } \references{ M. Roederer, et. al. (2001) Probability Binning Comparison: A Metric for Quantitating Multivariate Distribution Differences, \emph{Cytometry} \bold{45}, 47-55. W. Rogers et. al. (2008) Cytometric Fingerprinting: Quantitative Characterization of Multivariate Distributions, \emph{Cytometry Part A} \bold{73}, 430-441. } \keyword{package}