\name{append-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{append-methods} \alias{append,flowFPPlex,flowFP-method} \alias{append,flowFPPlex,list-method} \alias{append,flowFPPlex,flowFPPlex-method} \title{ Methods to append flowFP fingerprints to a flowFPPlex } \description{ This method joins one or more \code{\link{flowFP}} objects into a \code{\link{flowFPPlex}}. Conceptually, each instance's fingerprint feature vector is extended. An error will occur if the sample names and the class names differ. If we imagine the fingerprints as a matrix where columns are features and the rows are instances, this method binds the columns onto the existing fingerprint matrix. } \section{Methods}{ \code{append(x, values, after=length(x))} \code{\link{flowFPPlex}} methods: \describe{ \item{x = "flowFPPlex", values = "flowFP", after = length(x@fingerprints)}{ Appends a fingerprint onto a flowFPPlex. } \item{x = "flowFPPlex", values = "list", after = length(x@fingerprints)}{ Appends a list of fingerprints to a flowFPPlex. } \item{x = "flowFPPlex", values = "flowFPPlex", after = length(x@fingerprints)}{ Combines two flowFPPlex-es into one. } } } \details{ These methods append one or more fingerprints into a flowFPPlex. } \author{ Herb Holyst <\email{holyst@mail.med.upenn.edu}>, Wade Rogers <\email{rogersw@mail.med.upenn.edu}> } \seealso{ \link{flowFPPlex} \link{sampleNames} \link{sampleClasses} } \examples{ data(fs1) fp1 = flowFP(fs1, name="fingerprint 1") fp2 = flowFP(fs1, name="fingerprint 2") plex = flowFPPlex(fp1) plex = append(plex, fp2) plex } \keyword{methods}