\name{analyzeGeneSetCollections} \alias{analyzeGeneSetCollections} \title{ Hypergeometric tests and Gene Set Enrichment Analyses over a list of gene set collections } \description{ This function takes a list of gene set collections, a named phenotype vector (with names of the phenotype vector as the universe), a vector of hits (gene names only) and returns the results of hypergeometric and gene set enrichment analyses for all of the gene set collections (with multiple hypothesis testing corrections). } \usage{ analyzeGeneSetCollections(listOfGeneSetCollections, geneList, hits, pAdjustMethod="BH", pValueCutoff=0.05, nPermutations=1000, minGeneSetSize=15, exponent=1, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{listOfGeneSetCollections}{ a list of gene set collections (a 'gene set collection' is a list of gene sets). Even if only one collection is being tested, it must be entered as an element of a 1-element list, e.g. \code{ListOfGeneSetCollections = list(YourOneGeneSetCollection)}. Naming the elements of listOfGeneSetCollections will result in these names being associated with the relevant data frames in the output (meaningful names are advised) } \item{geneList}{ a numeric or integer vector of phenotypes in descending or ascending order with elements named by their EntrezIds (no duplicates nor NA values) } \item{hits}{ a character vector of the EntrezIds of hits, as determined by the user } \item{pAdjustMethod}{ a single character value specifying the p-value adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' for details) } \item{pValueCutoff}{ a single numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values considered significant } \item{nPermutations}{ a single integer or numeric value specifying the number of permutations for deriving p-values in GSEA } \item{minGeneSetSize}{ a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements in a gene set that must map to elements of the gene universe. Gene sets with fewer than this number are removed from both hypergeometric analysis and GSEA. } \item{exponent}{ a single integer or numeric value used in weighting phenotypes in GSEA (see the function \code{\link[HTSanalyzeR:gseaScores]{gseaScores}}) } \item{verbose}{ a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE) } } \details{ All gene names must be EntrezIds in 'listOfGeneSetCollections', 'geneList', and 'hits'. } \value{ \item{HyperGeo.results}{a list of data frames containing the results for all gene set collections in the input.} \item{GSEA.results}{a similar list of data frames containing the results from GSEA. As an example, to access the GSEA results for a gene set collection named "MyGeneSetCollection", one would enter: output$GSEA.results$MyGeneSetCollection} \item{Sig.pvals.in.both}{a list of data frames containing the gene sets with p-values considered significant in both hypergeometric test and GSEA, before p-value correction. Each element of the list contains the results for one gene set collection.} \item{Sig.adj.pvals.in.both}{a list of data frames containing the gene sets with p-values considered significant in both hypergeometric test and GSEA, after p-value correction. Each element of the list contains the results for one gene set collection.} } \author{ John C. Rose, Xin Wang } \seealso{ \code{\link[HTSanalyzeR:analyze]{analyze}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ library(org.Dm.eg.db) library(GO.db) library(KEGG.db) ##load phenotype vector (see the vignette for details about the ##preprocessing of this data set) data("KcViab_Data4Enrich") ##Create a list of gene set collections for Drosophila melanogaster (Dm) GO_MF <- GOGeneSets(species="Dm", ontologies="MF") PW_KEGG <- KeggGeneSets(species="Dm") ListGSC <- list(GO_MF=GO_MF, PW_KEGG=PW_KEGG) ##Conduct enrichment analyses GSCAResults <- analyzeGeneSetCollections( listOfGeneSetCollections=ListGSC, geneList=KcViab_Data4Enrich, hits=names(KcViab_Data4Enrich)[which(abs(KcViab_Data4Enrich)>2)], pAdjustMethod="BH", nPermutations=1000, minGeneSetSize=200, exponent=1, verbose=TRUE ) } }