\name{xsAnnotate-class} \docType{class} \alias{xsAnnotate-class} \alias{show,xsAnnotate-method} \title{Class xsAnnotate, a class for annotated peak data} \description{ This class transforms a \code{\link{xcmsSet}} object with peaks from multiple LC/MS or GC/MS samples into a set of annotation results. It contains searching algorihms for isotopes and adducts, peak grouping algorithms to find connected peak, which originate from the same molecule. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created with the \code{\link{xsAnnotate}} constructor which include the peaktable from a provided \code{\link{xcmsSet}}. Objects can also be created by calls of the form \code{new("xsAnnotate", ...)}. } %Slots for class 'xsAnnotate' % Code: annoGrp annoID derivativeIons formula isoID groupInfo % isotopes polarity pspectra psSamples ruleset runParallel sample xcmsSet \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{annoGrp}:}{Assignment of mass hypotheses to correlation groups} \item{\code{annoID}:}{The assignemnt of peaks to the mass difference rule used} \item{\code{derivativeIons}:}{List with annotation result for every peak} \item{\code{formula}:}{Matrix containing putative sum formula (intended for future use)} \item{\code{isoID}:}{Matrix containing IDs and additional of all annotated isotope peaks} \item{\code{groupInfo}:}{(grouped) Peaktable with "into" values} \item{\code{isotopes}:}{List with annotated isotopid results for every peak} \item{\code{polarity}:}{A single string with the polarity mode of the peaks} \item{\code{pspectra}:}{List contains all pseudospectra with there peak IDs} \item{\code{psSamples}:}{List containing information with sample was sample was selecteted as representative (automatic selection)} \item{\code{ruleset}:}{A dataframe describing the mass difference rules used for the annotion} \item{\code{runParallel}:}{Flag if CAMERA runs in serial or parallel mode} \item{\code{sample}:}{Number of the used xcmsSet sample (beforehand sample selection)} \item{\code{xcmsSet}:}{The embedded xcmsSet} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\link{groupFWHM}}{ \code{signature(object = "xsAnnotate")}: group the peak data after the FWHM of the retention time } \item{\link{groupCorr}}{ \code{signature(object = "xsAnnotate")}: group the peak data after the correlation of the EICs } \item{\link{findIsotopes}}{ \code{signature(object = "xsAnnotate")}: search for possible isotopes in the spectra } \item{\link{findAdducts}}{ \code{signature(object = "xsAnnotate")}: search for possible adducts in the spectra } \item{\link{plotEICs}}{ \code{signature(object = "xsAnnotate")}: plot EICs of pseudospectra } } } \author{Carsten Kuhl, \email{ckuhl@ipb-halle.de}} \note{ No notes yet. } \seealso{ \code{\link{xsAnnotate}} } \keyword{classes}