\name{mm14} \docType{data} \alias{mm14} \title{Extract of marker mixture 14 LC/MS data} \description{ xcmsSet object containing quantitated LC/MS peaks from a marker mixture. The data is a centroided subset from 117-650 m/z and 271-302 seconds with 134 peaks. Positive ionization mode data in mzData file format. } \usage{data(mm14)} \format{ The format is: \preformatted{ Formal class 'xcmsSet' [package "xcms"] with 8 slots @ peaks : num [1:83, 1:11] 117 117 118 119 136 .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 .. .. ..$ : NULL .. .. ..$ : chr [1:11] "mz" "mzmin" "mzmax" "rt" ..@ groups : logi[0 , 0 ] ..@ groupidx : list() ..@ phenoData:'data.frame': 1 obs. of 1 variable: .. ..$ class: Factor w/ 1 level "mzdata": 1 ..@ rt :List of 2 .. ..$ raw :List of 1 .. .. ..$ : num [1:112] 270 271 271 271 272 ... .. ..$ corrected:List of 1 .. .. ..$ : num [1:112] 270 271 271 271 272 ... ..@ filepaths: chr "mzdata/MM14.mzdata" ..@ profinfo :List of 2 .. ..$ method: chr "bin" .. ..$ step : num 0.1 ..@ polarity : chr(0) }} \details{ The corresponding raw mzData files are located in the mzData subdirectory of this package. } \source{http://doi:10.1186/1471-2105-9-504} \references{ Data originally reported in "Highly sensitive feature detection for high resolution LC/MS" BMC Bioinformatics; 2008; 9:504. } \author{Carsten Kuhl } \keyword{datasets}