\name{calcPC.hcs} \docType{methods} \alias{calcPC.hcs} \alias{calcPC.hcs,xsAnnotate-method} \title{Peakclustering into pseudospectra with the highly connected subgraphs approach} \description{ Cluster peaks from an xsAnnotate object into pseudospectra } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{object = "xsAnnotate"}{ \code{ calcPC.hcs(object, ajc=NULL, psg_list=NULL) } } }} \details{ In some cases, is the peak grouping after retentiontime with \code{\link{groupFWHM}} not enough to separate co-elution compounds. Therefore \code{\link{groupCorr}} use additional correlation analysis to achieve a separation. \code{calcPC} is part of this approach, which takes the calculated weighted edge list and performs the graph clustering. It returns an xsAnnotate object with further separated pseudospectra. } \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{xsAnnotate} object} \item{ajc}{Weighted symbolic edge list as four column matrix ("x","y","cor","ps"). Columns x,y are peak indices, cor the edge value and ps the pseudospectrum index, where both peaks occur. } \item{psg_list}{ additional vector ps pseudospectra indices, which are used in the clustering. If set to NULL all pseudospectra will be processed. } } \author{Carsten Kuhl, \email{ckuhl@ipb-halle.de}} \seealso{ \code{\link{calcPC}} \code{\link{groupCorr}} \code{\link{highlyConnSG}} \code{\link{xsAnnotate-class}} } \keyword{methods}