\name{calcIsotopes-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{calcIsotopes} \alias{calcIsotopes,xsAnnotate-method} \title{Calculate isotope distance matrix from xsAnnotate object} \description{ Processing an xsAnnotate object with annotated isotopes (\link{findIsotopes}). It return a weighted edge list as distance matrix between peaks according to the isotope annotation. The edge value for recognized isotopes is 1 for all cases. The list can be used as input for \code{\link{calcPC}}. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{object = "xsAnnotate"}{ \code{ calcIsotopes(object) } } }} \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{xsAnnotate} object} } \value{ A matrix with 4 columns: \item{x}{ peak index } \item{y}{ peak index } \item{cor}{ edge value, always 1 } \item{ps}{ pseudospectrum index, which contains x and y } } \author{Carsten Kuhl, \email{ckuhl@ipb-halle.de}} \seealso{ \code{\link{calcPC}} \code{\link{xsAnnotate-class}} } \keyword{methods}