\name{HuExExonProbesetLocation} \docType{data} \alias{HuExExonProbesetLocation} \title{Probe sequence for microarrays of type HuEx.} \description{This data object was automatically created by the package AnnotationDbi version 1.8.1.} \usage{data(HuExExonProbesetLocation)} \format{A data frame with 1425756 rows and 7 columns, as follows. \tabular{lll}{ EPROBESETID \tab exon-level probeset id \cr CHR \tab chroosome \cr STRAND \tab chromosome strand \cr START \tab start position of the Probe Selection Region on chromosome \cr END \tab end position of the Probe Selection Region on chromosome \cr GPROBESETID \tab Gene-level probeset id \cr ANNLEVEL \tab annotation level\cr }} \source{The exon-level probeset genome location was retrieved from Netaffx using AffyCompatible.} \keyword{datasets} \examples{ library(HuExExonProbesetLocationHg18) data(HuExExonProbesetLocation) as.data.frame(HuExExonProbesetLocation[1:3,]) }