\documentclass[english]{article} \begin{document} \title{Quick Intro to SBMLR} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Quick intro to SBMLR} \author{Tom Radivoyevitch} \maketitle \section*{Introduction} \emph{SBMLR} reads SBML files to and from an SBML-like R list of lists core object of class SBML, and it reads and writes these core objects into R text files that are well structured and light weight for editing. It also facilitates model simulations and model summaries. \section*{Model import, export, editing and viewing} The following code reads in Curto et al.'s purine metabolism model of 1998 <>= library(SBMLR) curto=readSBML(system.file("models", "curto.xml", package = "SBMLR")) head(summary(curto)$reactions) @ and the next two lines serialize the object curto of S3 class SBML (R list of lists) into a current working directory SBML (XML) file and editable R code SBMLR file. Relative to the option of using \textit{dput} and \textit{deparse}, \textit{saveSBMLR} and \textit{readSBMLR} ASCII text representations are more pleasant to look at and thus edit (the carriage returns are in the right places). <>= saveSBML(curto,"curto.xml") saveSBMLR(curto,"curto.r") @ These two files can then be read back in and compared as follows. <>= curtoX=readSBML("curto.xml") curtoR=readSBMLR("curto.r") head((curtoX==curtoR)$species) head((curtoX==curtoR)$reactions) @ Values in these two dataframes are TRUE where the initial concentrations, fluxes, and reaction rate laws (as strings) are equal. \section*{Model simulation} The following simulation first shows that the initial conditions is a steady state. It then shows the time course response to an increase in [PRPP] from 5 uM to 50 uM. <>= out1=simulate(curto,seq(-20,0,1)) curto$species$PRPP$ic=50 out2=simulate(curto,0:70) outs=data.frame(rbind(out1,out2)) attach(outs) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(time,IMP,type="l",xlab="minutes",ylab="IMP (uM)") plot(time,HX,type="l",xlab="minutes",ylab="HX (uM)") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) detach(outs) @ The modulator argument to \textit{simulate} is either NULL, a vector of numbers, or a list of interpolation functions (time varying enzyme concentration boundary conditions). The vector and list lengths equal to the number of reactions; in the vector case reaction rate law amplitude parameters are multipied by 1 at times less than zero and the corresponding vector element thereafter. The following code doubles the amplitude parameters of Curto et al's 37 reactions at t=0; concentrations then stay the same as fluxes double. <>= curto$species$PRPP$ic=5 # return PRPP IC to its original value simulate(curto,(-10):10,modulator=rep(2,37)) # bumpless transfer in concentrations since all V increase by 2 @ If half the fluxes increase and the other half decrease, both by 10 percent, both concentrations and fluxes change <>= simulate(curto,(-10):10,modulator=c(rep(1.1,20),rep(0.9,17))) # half up, half down, not bumpless @ Clearly, this system has stability sensitivity problems. The folate model of Morrison and Allegra (JBC 1989) can be simulated as follows <>= morr=readSBML(file.path(system.file(package="SBMLR"), "models/morrison.xml")) out1=simulate(morr,seq(-20,0,1)) morr$species$EMTX$ic=1 # bolus of methotrexate to 1 uM out2=simulate(morr,0:30) outs=data.frame(rbind(out1,out2)) attach(outs) par(mfrow=c(3,4)) plot(time,FH2b,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,FH2f,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,DHFRf,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,DHFRtot,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,CHOFH4,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,FH4,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,CH2FH4,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,CH3FH4,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,AICARsyn,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,MTR,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,TYMS,type="l",xlab="Hours") #plot(time,EMTX,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,DHFReductase,type="l",xlab="Hours") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) detach(outs) @ As final outputs in this document, the full curto summary and object are: <>= summary(curto) curto @ \end{document}