%\VignetteIndexEntry{Agi4x44PreProcess} %\VignetteKeywords{Preprocessing, Agilent} %\VignetteDepends{Agi4x44PreProcess} %\VignettePackage{Agi4x44PreProcess} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[english]{babel} \newcommand{\Robject}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rfunction}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rpackage}[1]{{\textit{#1}}} \begin{document} \title{Agi4x44Preprocess} \author{Pedro Lopez-Romero} \maketitle \section{Package Overview} The Agi4x44PreProcess package has been designed to read Agilent 4 x 44 gene expression arrays data files into R \cite{R} for its pre-processing using other Bioconductor functions. The package needs plain text files exported by the Agilent Feature Extraction (or later version) image analysis software (AFE) \cite{AFE}. The pre-processing steps implemented in the package are the following: 1.- read the target file 2.- read the array samples 3.- Background correction and Normalization between samples 4.- Filtering Probes by Quality Flag 5.- Summarizing of Replicated Probes 6.- Creating and ExpressionSet object with the processed data The package also contains other utilities that allow the user to explore the architecture of the chip in terms of probe replication and gene replication. Agi4x44PreProcess contains standard graphical utilities to evaluate the quality of the data. These graphics might help the users to decide what sort foreground and background signal, amongst those provided by the AFE, they want to use in their analysis, and what background signal correction and normalization method between samples they want to perform. Finally, Agi4x44PreProcess also generates the files DataSet.gct and Phenotypes.cls that are used by the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis tool (GSEA) \cite{GSEA}. Agi4x44PreProcess employees the corresponding Bioconductor annotation packages (human: "hgug4112a.db"; mouse: "mgug4122a.db") to assign to each probe the ACCNUM, SYMBOL, ENTREZID, DESCRIPTION, GO TERMS AND GO IDS. The annotacion package that is going to be used should be loaded into the R session. In our example we used the hgug4112a.db annotation package. The annotation package can be loaded using \Rfunction{library} <<>>= library("hgug4112a.db") @ The package allows choosing between different alternatives in each of the pre-processing steps. Currently only the plain text files exported by AFE are supported. To read these files into R the Rpackage{limma} function \Rfunction{read.maimages} \cite{limma} is used. The user can choose the foreground signal (gProcessedSignal or gMeanSignal) and the background signal for the background correction (gBGMedianSignal or gBGUsed). It also decides the methods for the Background correction ("none", "half", "normexp") and for the Normalization between arrays ("none", "quantile", "vsn"). The \Rfunction{backgroundCorrect} and \Rfunction{normalizeBetweenArrays} Rpackage{limma} functions \cite{limma} have been used. If the user wants to use other methods implemented in \Rfunction{backgroundCorrect} and in \Rfunction{normalizeBetweenArrays} but not incorporated in the Agi4x44PreProcess package, they can easily call any of these functions externally. The users also choose if they want to filter out the probes that do not reach a minimum of quality, which is also established by the user. In this sense we can be more or less demanding in function of the data in hand (low number of replicates probably demands being more restrictive about quality limits). There is a final summarization step that collapse the non-control replicated probes into a single value. The users can also skip the Summarization step in order to use all the probes being replicated or not. Finally the processed data is stored in an RGList that can be transformed into an ExpressionSet. The \Robject{ExpressionSet} object can be used to statistically analyze the data (differential expression, functional analysis, etc) using other analytical packages such as \Rpackage{limma}. \section{Target File} We have to specify the experimental conditions under which the data have been generated in a target file, where each sample is related with an experimental group. This is done in a plain text file that can be loaded into R using the Agi4x44PreProcess function \Rfunction{read.targets}. First we load the package and then we read the target file \begin{Sinput} # NOT RUN # > library("Agi4x44PreProcess") > targets=read.targets(infile="targets.txt") # NOT RUN # \end{Sinput} The function \Rfunction{read.target} returns a \Robject{data.frame} object similar to this: <>= library("Agi4x44PreProcess") data(targets) targets @ In the target file, the fields Filename, Treatment and GErep are mandatory. The Filename specifies the name of the files, the Treatment specify which level of the treatment corresponds the FileName. Other variables might also be included if the users want to use them in further downstream statistical analysis. In our given example, we have human cells that have been treated with BMP2 that are to be compared with untreated cells, so in our design we consider a Treatment effect with two levels, Stimulated and Unstimulated. We have collected two replicates of each treatment level and both treatments have been applied to cells of the same individuals, that is, the design have been blocked by Subject. As we only have two levels of the blocking variable subject, this kind of design is normally known as a paired design. To consider the paired design in future downstream analysis, using limma for instance, we have to add a subject variable that relates the individual with its sample. The GErep is a redundant variable that mirrors the Treatment variable using a numeric code, i.e., each treatment level (Stimulated an Unstimulated) is also codified numerically by being n the number of levels of the treatment effect. We have included the Array variable as an example of other sort of variables that we may want to use. In this case, the Array variable refers to platform where the sample has been hybridized. Recall that the Agilent 4x44 platforms allows the hybridization of 4 different samples onto the same platform. In our example, as long as we have only 4 samples hybridized on the same platform the inclusion of this variable does not make any sense, since all the samples have been hybridized on the same platform, but if we had more samples hybridized on different platforms we could consider the platform (Array) as a blocking variable, using designs such as complete block designs or incomplete block designs. \section{Reading the data} The chips were scanned using the Agilent G2567AA Microarray Scanner System (Agilent Technologies) with the extended dynamic range option turned on. Image analysis and data collection were carried out using the Agilent Feature Extraction (AFE) \cite{AFE}. For the background signal the AFE was set to use the spatial detrend surface value that estimate the noise due to a systematic gradient on the array and whose computation is based on a Loess algorithm. Details of how the spatial detrend algorithm works can be found in the AFE reference guide. Currently only the plain text files exported by AFE are supported. To read these files into R the \Rpackage{limma} function \cite{limma} \Rfunction{read.maimages} is used. In our example, use real data from Agilent 4x44 Human chips. However, for the sake of reducing the disk space storing the original data have been trimmed, leaving 12,015 features out of the 45,015 that should be found on a Human Agilent 4x44 chip. Despite of this, the data example is perfectly valid to illustrate all the features and performance of the functions included in the package, although some of the functions regarding counting replicated probes, etc will produce numbers that will not coincide with the real data. To read the files we use the \Rfunction{read.AgilentFE} function: \begin{Sinput} # NOT RUN # > dd=read.AgilentFE(targets, makePLOT=FALSE) # NOT RUN # \end{Sinput} The result will be an RGList similar to this: <>= data(dd) class(dd) dim(dd) @ The RGList contains the following slots <<>>= names(dd) @ The data stored in the RGList are the following: \begin{table}[ht] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline \em variable & \em data \\ \hline dd\$R & gProcessedSignal \\ dd\$G & gMeanSignal \\ dd\$Rb & gBGMedianSignal \\ dd\$Gb& gBGUsed \\ dd\$targets & File names \\ dd\$genes\$ProbeName & Probe Name \\ dd\$genes\$GeneName & Gene Name \\ dd\$genes\$SystematicName & Systematic Name \\ dd\$genes\$Description & Description Name \\ dd\$genes\$Sequence & 60 bases Sequence \\ dd\$genes\$ControlType & FLAG to specify the sort of feature \\ dd\$other\$gIsWellAboveBG & FLAG IsWellAboveBG \\ dd\$other\$gIsFound & FLAG IsFound \\ dd\$other\$gIsSaturated & FLAG IsSaturated \\ dd\$other\$gIsFeatPopnOL & FLAG IsFeatPopnOL \\ dd\$other\$gIsFeatNonUnifOL & FLAG IsFeatNonUnifOL \\ dd\$other\$chr\_coord & CHR coordinate from Agilent data files \\ \hline \end{tabular} \label{tab:Flag} \end{center} \end{table} The MeanSignal is the Raw mean signal of the spot. The ProcessedSignal is the signal processed by AFE \cite{AFE}. It contains the Multiplicatively Detrend Background Subtracted Signal if the detrending is selected and it helps. If the detrending does not help, the ProcessedSignal will be the Background Subtracted Signal. The BGMedianSignal is the Median local background signal. The BGUsed depends on the scanner settings for the type of background method and the setting for the spatial detrend. Usually, the Background Signal Used is the sum of the local background + the spatial detrending surface value computed by the AFE software. To view the values used to calculate this variable using different background signals and settings of spatial detrend and global background adjust \cite{AFE}. The dd\$targets contain the name of the files equal to those in target file. The dd\$genes\$ProbeName, dd\$genes\$GeneName, dd\$genes\$SystematicName, and dd\$genes\$Description provide the mappings to dd\$genes\$ProbeName according to Agilent. In the Agi4x44PreProcess, if an annotation package exists, the fields SystematicName, GeneName and Description are replaced, respectively, by the corresponding ACCNUM, SYMBOL and DESCRIPTION obtained from the corresponding annotation package. The AFE attach to each feature a flag that identifies different quantification errors of the signal. These quantification flags can be used to filter out signals that do not reach a minimum established criterion of quality. We will come back again to the filtering process in the section 8. The dd\$other\$chr\_coord variable contains the chromosomal coordinates provided by the Agilent manufacturer. These coordinates are used by the function genes.rpt.agi to create links to the ENSEMBL data base for the different probes interrogating the same gene. See section 6. If we set the variable makePLOT = TRUE in the function \Rfunction{read.AgilentFE} we will get a density plot and a boxplot of the \begin{table}[ht] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline \em variable & \em data \\ \hline dd\$R & gProcessedSignal \\ dd\$G & gMeanSignal \\ \hline \end{tabular} \label{tab:Flag} \end{center} \end{table} And a boxplot of the \begin{table}[ht] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline \em variable & \em data \\ \hline dd\$Rb & gBGMedianSignal \\ dd\$Gb& gBGUsed \\ \hline \end{tabular} \label{tab:Flag} \end{center} \end{table} These plots can also be obtained with the corresponding plot functions (see section 12) \begin{center} <>= BoxPlot(log2(dd$R),"ProcessedSignal", "red", xlab="Samples", ylab="expression") @ \end{center} \begin{center} <>= plotDensity(log2(dd$R),"ProcessedSignal") @ \end{center} \begin{center} <>= BoxPlot(log2(dd$G),"MeanSignal", "green", xlab="Samples", ylab="expression") @ \end{center} \begin{center} <>= plotDensity(log2(dd$G),"MeanSignal") @ \end{center} \begin{center} <>= BoxPlot(log2(dd$Gb),"BGUsed", "orange", xlab="Samples", ylab="expression") @ \end{center} \begin{center} <>= BoxPlot(log2(dd$Rb),"BGMedianSignal", "blue", xlab="Samples", ylab="expression") @ \end{center} \section{Replicated Probes} The Agilent arrays contains a number of non-control probes replicated up to ten times which are spread across the array. This allows computing the \% CV (percent of the coefficient of variation) for each array. Agi4x44PreProcess incorporates a specific function, CV.rep.probes, that allows the identification of the non-control replicated probes (we call them Probe Sets) and the computation of their coefficient of variation (\% CV). The CV is computed for every set of replicated probes. Within each array, the median of the CV of every probe-set is reported as the CV of the array. A lower median CV indicates a better reproducibility of the array. The CV can be used as a measured of the quality of the arrays and it can help to detect a sample that deviates from the rest as an erroneous one. This measure is also reported by the QC report of AFE. The CV.rep.probes function also writes a file (Probe.Sets.txt) that contains the non-control replicated probes, along with its PROBE ID, the number of replicates, the ACCNUM code, the SYMBOL code, the DESCRIPTION of the gene, and the \% CV of the probe in each array. The CVs are also given in a boxplot. <>= CV.rep.probes(dd,"hgug4112a.db", foreground="MeanSignal", raw.data=TRUE, writeR=FALSE, targets) @ \section{Replicated Genes} Agi4x44PreProcess incorporates a function, genes.rpt.agi, to identify what we call the Gen Sets, i.e. groups of identical genes, according to the ACCNUM code obtained from the corresponding Bioconductor annotation package, which are interrogated by different probes at different locations. Genes with a NA ACCNUM reference as well as non-controls replicated probes are dismissed for these computations. The genes.rpt.agi function deals with these gen-sets and generates an HTML output that contains links to ENSEMBL data base in order to allow checking the exact location of the Agilent-probe in the chromosome. Agi4x44PreProcess uses the chromosome coordinates provided by the Agilent Manufacturer in the data extracted by AFE. The Agi4x44PreProcess library also reports information such as the distance amongst the members of a gen set, the member of the same gen set that are reported to be located in different chromosomes and the distribution of the gen sets size. <>= genes.rpt.agi(dd,"hgug4112a.db",raw.data=TRUE, WRITE.html=FALSE,REPORT=FALSE) @ Be aware that may be non-control replicated probes that interrogate the same gene in the same location, and the very same gene might be interrogated by other probe at different chromosomal location. \section{Background Correction and Normalization between arrays} To make direct comparisons of data coming from different chips it is important to remove sources of variation of non biological nature that may exists between arrays. Systematic non-biological differences between chips become apparent in several obvious ways especially in labelling and in hybridization, and bias the relative measures on any two chips when we want to quantify the differences in treatment of two samples. Normalization is the attempt to compensate for systematic technical differences between chips, to see more clearly the systematic biological differences between samples. First the data are background corrected. We produced a Background Subtracted Signal. The Background Signal Used depends on the scanner settings for the type of background method and the settings for spatial detrend. Usually, the Background Signal Used is the sum of the Local Background Signal + the Spatial Detrending Surface Value computed by the scanner software. For the Background correction we use the \Rfunction{backgroundCorrect} function of the \Rpackage{limma} package with options "half", "normexp". This function is designed to produce positive corrected intensities. First, any intensity which is less than 0.5 is reset to be equal to 0.5. Besides, and offset value (normally 50) is used. This offset adds a constant to the intensities before log-transforming, so that the log ratios are shrunk towards zero at the lower intensities. After background correction, data are normalized between arrays using the \Rpackage{limma} function \Rfunction{normalizeBetweenArrays} with options "quantile", "vsn". For the foreground signal, the user can choose between the "MeanSignal" and the "ProcessedSignal" and between the "BGMedianSignal" and the "BGUsed" for the background signal that may be used in the background correction. The user may want to have a look at different plots of the intensities (density plots, etc ...) in order to decide what signal they want to use in their analysis. The "MeanSignal" is the Raw mean signal of the feature. The "ProcessedSignal" is the signal processed by the AFE. The "BGMedianSignal" is the Median local background signal. The "BGUsed" depends on the scanner settings for the type of background method and the setting for the spatial detrend. Usually, the BGUsed is the sum of the local background + the spatial detrending surface value computed by the AFE software. The limma function "backgroundCorrect" is used for the background correction. This function is designed to produced positive intensities. Any intensity which is less than 0.5 is reset to be equal to 0.5. Additionally, a constant of 50 (normally) is used as an offset that it is added to the intensities before the log transformation. The effect of the offset addition is to shrunk log ratios to zero at the lower intensities and thus reducing the variability of the log-ratios for low intensity spots. The optimal choice for the offset is the one which makes the variability of the log-ratios as constant as possible across the range of intensity values (Smyth, G. in BioC mailing List). If the 'half' method is chosen for the background correction, the method will subtract the chosen BACKGROUND signal to the chosen FOREGROUND signal, to produce positive corrected intensities according to the "half" method. If the "normexp" method is selected, then a convolution of normal and exponential distributions is fitted to the foreground intensities using the background intensities as a covariate, and the expected signal given the observed foreground becomes the corrected intensity. See \Rpackage{limma} user guide for details. <>= ddNORM=BGandNorm(dd,BGmethod="half",NORMmethod="quantile", foreground="MeanSignal",background="BGMedianSignal", offset=50,makePLOTpre=FALSE,makePLOTpost=FALSE) @ If we set the variables makePLOTpre = TRUE and makePLOTpost = TRUE, a density Plot, a boxplot differentiating negative controls from the rest of the signals, and MA plot identifying the different kind of features, and a Relative Log Expression plot (RLE) \cite{Bold3} are constructed using the data before and after normalization, respectively. The same plots can be obtained calling the respective Agi4x44PreProcess plotting functions. See section 12. Usually, we prefer to normalize the data before filtering probes out. Most of the probes that are going to be filtered out are going to be the ones that are not distinguishable from the background signal. Normally these are probes that are not expressed in the biological system under study and will be filtered out but it is interesting to keep these signal values to perform the normalization using the maximum amount of information as possible. \section{Filtering Probes} The Agilent Feature Extraction software provides for each feature a flag that identifies different quantification errors of the signal. The quantification flags can be used to filter out signals that didn't reach a minimum criterion of quality established by the user. The data are filtered at a feature level according to the following criteria. a) To keep features within the dynamic range of the scanner: For a spot = xi across all the samples, we demand that at leas p \% of the probes of the spot xi in at least one experimental condition had a quantification flag denoting that the signal is distinguishable from background. The same criterion is applied independently for the "IsFound" flag and for the saturation of the signal. b) To keep features that are of good quality, for each probe we filtered out the probe that had more than y \% of the replicates in at least one experimental condition with a flag indicating presence of Outliers. The function returns an RGList containing with the FILTERED data eliminated In order to allow the tracking of features that may have been filtered out from the original raw data, the following files are given: RawDataNOCtrl.txt: contains all the features included in the array once the internal controls were removed. Internal controls were removed prior to any pre-processing step. IsNOTWellAboveBG.txt: contains the features that were filtered out because they were not distinguishable from the local background signal. We uses a Boolean flag indicating if a feature is WellAboveBackground (Flag = 1) or not (Flag = 0). A feature reaches a Flag = 1 if IsPosAndSignif and additionally the gBGSubSignal is greater than 2.6*g(r)BG\_SD. IsPosAndSignif uses a Boolean flag, established via a 2-sided t-test, indicates if the mean signal of a feature is greater than the corresponding background. 1 indicates Feature is positive and significant above background IsNOTFound.txt: contains the features that were filtered out because t hey were NOT FOUND. A feature is considered Found if two conditions are true: 1) the difference between the feature signal and the local background signal is more than 1.5 times the local background noise and 2) the spot diameter is at least 0.30 times the nominal spot diameter. A Boolean variable is used to flag found features. 1 = IsFound IsSaturated.txt: contains the probes that are saturated. A feature is saturated IF 50 \% of the pixels in a feature are above the saturation threshold. 1 = Saturated IsFeatNonUnifOL.txt: contains the features that are considered a Non Uniformity Outlier. A feature is non-uniform if the pixel noise of feature exceeds a threshold established for a uniform> feature. 1 indicates Feature is a non-uniformity outlier. IsFeatPopnOL.txt: contains the features that are considered a Population Outlier. A feature is a population outlier if its signal is less than a lower threshold of exceeds an upper threshold determined using a multiplier (1.42) times the interquartile range of the population. 1 indicates Feature is a population outlier IsNOTWellAboveNEG.txt: Besides, for each feature we can demand a minimum signal value that have to be reached at least for a p \% of the replicates of the features in one of the experimental conditions. The minimum limit is established as Mean Negative Controls + 1.5*(Std. dev.Negative Controls). Normally, after filtering by the WellAboveBG and IsFound criteria, all the probes are well above negative controls. In addition to all these files indicated above we have added the ACCNUM, GENE SYMBOL, the ENTREZID reference and the gene DESCRIPTION that map to each manufacturer probe code in the corresponding annotation package. In the filter.probes function, the management about which filtering process are done is controlled by the following logical variables: control, wellaboveBG, isfound, wellaboveNEG, sat, PopnOL, NonUnifOL and nas. These logical variables are set to TRUE if we want to accomplish a specific filtering step, remove controls, well above background, well above negative controls, saturation, population outliers, non uniform outliers and removing NAs, respectively. The variables that control the filtering process are: limISF: for a given feature xi across samples, is the minimum \% of probes of spots for that feature that is demanded to remain in a experimental condition with a isfound-FLAG = 1 (Is Found). limNEG: for a given feature xi across samples, is the minimum \% of spots for that feature that is demanded to remain in a experimental condition with a intensity > Limit established for negative controls (Mean + 1.5 x SD). limSAT: for a given feature xi across samples, is the minimum \% of spots for that feature that is demanded to remain in a experimental condition with a saturation-FLAG = 0 (Non Saturated). limPopnOL: for a given feature xi across samples, is the minimum \% of spots for that feature that can be seen in an experimental condition with a saturation-FLAG = 1 (Is Pop OL). limNonUnifOL: for a given feature xi across samples, is the minimum \% of spots for that feature that can be seen in an experimental condition with saturation-FLAG = 1 (Is Non Uni OL). limNAS: for a given feature xi across samples, is the minimum \% of NAs spots for that feature that is demanded to remain in an experimental condition. <>= ddFILT=filter.probes(ddNORM, control=TRUE, wellaboveBG=TRUE, isfound=TRUE, wellaboveNEG=TRUE, sat=TRUE, PopnOL=TRUE, NonUnifOL=T, nas=TRUE, limWellAbove=75, limISF=75, limNEG=75, limSAT=75, limPopnOL=75, limNonUnifOL=75, limNAS=100, makePLOT=F,annotation.package="hgug4112a.db",flag.counts=T,targets) @ <<>>= dim(ddFILT) @ If we set the variables makePLOT = TRUE a density Plot, a boxplot, and a Relative Log Expression (RLE) plot are constructed using the filtered data. The same plots can be obtained calling the respective Agi4x44PreProcess plotting functions. See section 12. \section{Summarizing} Normally, the Agilent 4 x 44 chips contain a set of non-control probes that are replicated up to ten times. These probes are spread over the chip and allows measuring the chip reproducibility in terms of the coefficient of variation (\%CV) in such a way that lower CV indicates a better reproducibility of the array. These replicated probes can be seen as a sub-sampling or pseudo-replication of the same experimental unit, i.e. for the same sample and array (confounded) a given 60 mer sequence is replicated. The same probes within the array are correlated and its variability should be mainly due to differences in labelling, hybridization and array location. For the eventual statistical analysis we can leave the replicate probes as they are, and analyze them independently to each other. This will have the inconvenient of having different results for the same probe that eventually will have to be condensed into a single one to make a decision about the differential expression of the gene that the probe is interrogating. We could take into account the sub sampling by a statistical model that includes a term that consider the replication of the probes. The strategy adopted in Agi4x44Preproces is to produce, for each set of replicated probes, a unique probe value obtained by computing the median of the intensities of the probes belonging to the replicated probe set. This has been implemented in the summarize.probe function. This function uses an RGList as an input and it produces another RGList where each set of replicated non-control probes have been collapsed into a single value. Normally, the input RGList is the "filtered data", but other RGLists can be used as inputs. This summarization process could affect to the estimated prior value and prior degrees of freedom for the residual variance of the genes when using eBayes in the limma package. However, since the number of replicated probes is extremely low in comparison to the total number of probes in the array, this effect is very small. This is an optional step that produces the processed data that can be analyzed. If this step is not performed, the filtered data are the one that has to be analyzed. <>= ddPROC=summarize.probe(ddFILT, makePLOT=FALSE, targets) @ If we set the variables makePLOT = TRUE a density Plot, a boxplot, a Relative Log Expression (RLE) plot, MVA plots and a hierarchical cluster plot are constructed using the summarized data. The same plots can be obtained calling the respective Agi4x44PreProcess plotting functions. See section 12. \section{Creating an ExpressionSet object} The build.eset function creates an instance of class \Robject{ExpressionSet} object from an RGList. Usually this function is applied to an \Robject{RGList} object containing the processed data, but certainly other RGList objects can be employed. <>= esetPROC=build.eset(ddPROC, targets, makePLOT=FALSE, annotation.package="hgug4112a.db") @ If we set the variables makePLOT = TRUE it makes a heatmap with the 100 greater variance genes, a 'hierarchical cluster' with all the genes and a pca plot. The same plots can be obtained calling the respective Agi4x44PreProcess plotting functions. See section 12. The following plots show the esetPROC data. The information contained in the ExpressionSet object can be written in a file, ProcessedData.txt, using the function write.eset. This function also writes the mappings of the Agilent PROBE ID with the ACCNUM, SYMBOL, ENTREZID and DESCRIPTION fields, using the corresponding annotation package. \begin{Sinput} # NOT RUN > write.eset(esetPROC,ddPROC,"hgug4112a.db",targets) # NOT RUN \end{Sinput} \section{mappings} The function build.mappings creates a data.frame that contains by rows the PROBE IDs and by columns contains "ACCNUM","SYMBOL","ENTREZID", "DESCRIPTION","GO.Id" and "GO.Terms" for each probe. Mappings are extracted from the corresponding annotation package. Usually this function is applied to an Expression Set object containing the processed data \begin{Sinput} # NOT RUN > mappings=build.mappings(esetPROC,"hgug4112a.db") > names(mappings) # NOT RUN \end{Sinput} \section{GSEA outputs} The function gsea.files generates the files "DataSet.gct" and "Phenotypes.cls" that are used by the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis tool (GSEA) \cite{GSEA} \begin{Sinput} # NOT RUN > gsea.files(esetPROC,targets,"hgug4112a.db") # NOT RUN \end{Sinput} \section{Plotting Functions} We have implemented in Agi4x44PreProcess some diagnostic plots. These are functions to produce boxplots (Boxplot and boxplotNegCtrl), density plots (plotDensity), MA plots (MVAplotMEDctr and MVAplotMED), Relative Log Expression plots (RLE), heatmaps (HeatMap), hierarchical cluster of samples (hierclus) and PCA plots (PCAplot). Let us see some examples: \subsection{Boxplot} \begin{center} <>= BoxPlot(log2(dd$G),"MeanSignal","green", xlab="Samples",ylab="expression") @ \end{center} \subsection{boxplotNegCtrl} \begin{center} <>= boxplotNegCtrl(dd,Log2=FALSE, channel="G") @ \end{center} The functions, Boxplot and boxplotNegCtrl, construct a boxplot using the intensities of each sample The Boxplot uses as input a matrix in log2 scale whereas the boxplotNegCtrl uses an RGList. In this case we have to pass to the boxplotNegCtrl functions two arguments that indicates if the signal in the RGList on which the boxplot is base is in log2 scale (Log2=TRUE) or not (Log2=FALSE). The "channel" argument specifies on which signal the boxplot is based on. If "channel = R", then the data stored in dd\$R is used, if channel is missing or "channel = G" then the data stored in dd\$G is used. In the boxplotNegCtrl the gene signals and the signals of the negative controls are separated in the plot. This allows studying if the relative comparison between the signals of the gene features and the negative controls. \subsection{plotDensity} This function creates a density plot with the intensities of the arrays \begin{center} <>= plotDensity(log2(dd$G),"Density Plot example") @ \end{center} \subsection{MVAplotMEDctr} It creates a MA plots using a synthetic array as a reference. i.e., the M value is computed for every spot as the difference between the spot in the array and the same spot averaged over the whole set of arrays. Every kind of feature is identified with different colour. As in the "boxplotNegCtrl" we have to give the "channel" argument to specify on which signal the MA is based. The function also produces a short report giving information about how many spots of each kind (REPLICATED NON-CTRL, POSITIVE CTRL, NEGATIVE CTRL and STRUCTURAL) there are inside the chip. This function is normally applied to Raw data. \begin{center} <>= par(mfrow=c(2,2),ask=TRUE) MVAplotMEDctrl(dd,"MVA example",channel="G") @ \end{center} \subsection{MVAplotMED} It creates a MA plots using a "synthetic" array as a reference but it does not distinguish the different sort of spots. The function can be used to evaluate the performance of the Normalization process. \begin{center} <>= par(mfrow=c(2,2)) MVAplotMED(dd$G,"red","MVA example") @ \end{center} \subsection{RLE} This function produces for each sample a Boxplot that displays the Relative Log Expression (RLE) \cite{Bold3}. The RLE is computed for every spot in the array as the difference between the spot and the median of the same spot across all the arrays. As the majority of the spots are expected not to be differentially expressed, the plot should show boxplots centred on zero and all of them having the approximately the same dispersion. An array showing greater dispersion than the other, or being not centred at zero could have quality problems. \begin{center} <>= par(mfrow=c(1,1)) RLE(log2(dd$G),"RLE example ","orange") @ \end{center} \subsection{HeatMap } This function creates a HeatMap graph using the \Rfunction{heatmap.2} function of the \Rpackage{gplots} package. The plot is created for the number of highest variance genes indicated in the argument "size" of the function. \begin{center} <>= HeatMap(exprs(esetPROC),size=100,"100 High Var genes") @ \end{center} \subsection{hierclus} This function makes a hierarchical cluster of the samples using the \Rfunction{hclust} function of the \Rpackage{stats} package. If the argument sel = TRUE it selects the "size" highest variance genes for the plot. \begin{center} <>= data(targets) GErep=targets$Gerep hierclus(exprs(esetPROC),GErep,methdis="euclidean", methclu="complete",sel=FALSE,size = 100) @ \end{center} \subsection{PCAplot} This function makes a PCA plot of the sample space using the \Rfunction{plotPCA} of the \Rpackage{affycoretools} package. \begin{center} <>= data(targets) PCAplot(esetPROC,targets) @ \end{center} \section{Parameter File} It is convenient to write the pre-processing settings that we want to use in the pre-processing in a parameter file. The parameter file can be a plain text file where the specific values for the variables used in Agi4x44PreProcess are defined. This file can be loaded into R using \Rfunction{source}, source("AGI4x44PreProcess.param.txt"). An example of this sort of file is provided below. \# OVERALL parameters annotation.package="hgug4112a.db" foreground="MeanSignal" background="BGMedianSignal" \# READING THE Target File infile="targets.txt" \# READING THE DATA (RGList) makePLOT.rAg=TRUE \# PROBES REPLICATED \& GENES REPLICATED makePROBES=FALSE makeGENES=FALSE raw.data=TRUE write.probes=TRUE WRITE.genes.html=TRUE REPORT.genes=TRUE \# NORMALIZATION (here the foreground and background are used) BGmethod="half" NORMmethod="quantile" offset=50 makePLOTpre=TRUE makePLOTpost=TRUE \# FILTERING PROBES control=TRUE wellaboveBG=TRUE isfound=TRUE wellaboveNEG=TRUE sat=TRUE PopnOL=TRUE NonUnifOL=TRUE nas=TRUE limWellAbove=75.0 limISF=75.0 limNEG=75.0 limSAT=75.0 limPopnOL=75.0 limNonUnifOL=75.0 limNAS=100 makePLOT.filt=TRUE flag.counts=FALSE \# SUMMARIZING PROBES makePLOT.summ=TRUE \# CREATING \& WRITING EXPRESIONSET makePLOT.eset=TRUE \# MAPPING makeMAPPINGS=TRUE \# GSEA output makeGSEA=TRUE \begin{Sinput} # NOT RUN > source("AGI4x44PreProcess.param.txt") # NOT RUN \end{Sinput} Once this file has been loaded in to R, we can write an R script where we can have all the Agi4x44PreProcess functions to carry out the pre-processing steps. This code can be read into R by \Rfunction{source}. An example of a typical script is given below. \begin{Sinput} # NOT RUN > library("Agi4x44PreProcess") > library("hgug4112a.db") > source("AGI4x44PreProcess.param.txt") # reading target file (TXT). > targets=read.targets(infile=infile) # reading Agilent Feature Extraction data files (TXT). > dd=read.AgilentFE(targets,makePLOT=makePLOT.rAg) # PROBES REPLICATED > if(makePROBES){ > CV.rep.probes(dd,annotation.package, foreground,raw.data,writeR=write.probes,targets) > } # GENES REPLICATED > if(makeGENES){ > genes.rpt.agi(dd,annotation.package,raw.data, WRITE.html=WRITE.genes.html,REPORT=REPORT.genes) > } # NORMALIZATION > ddNORM=BGandNorm(dd,BGmethod,NORMmethod, foreground,background, offset,makePLOTpre,makePLOTpost) # FILTERING PROBES > ddFILT=filter.probes(ddNORM, control, wellaboveBG, isfound, wellaboveNEG, sat, PopnOL, NonUnifOL, nas, limWellAbove, limISF, limNEG, limSAT, limPopnOL, limNonUnifOL, limNAS, makePLOT=makePLOT.filt,annotation.package,flag.counts,targets) # SUMMARIZING PROBES > ddPROC=summarize.probe(ddFILT,makePLOT=makePLOT.summ,targets) # CREATING EXPRESIONSET OBJECT > esetPROC=build.eset(ddPROC,targets,makePLOT=makePLOT.eset, annotation.package) # WRITING EXPRESIONSET OBJECT: ProcessedData.txt > write.eset(esetPROC,ddPROC,annotation.package,targets) # MAPPING > if(makeMAPPINGS){ > mappings=build.mappings(esetPROC,annotation.package) > } # GSEA OUTPUTS > if(makeGSEA){ > gsea.files(esetPROC,targets,annotation.package) > } # NOT RUN \end{Sinput} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{Agi4x44PreProcess} \end{document}