\name{root.scheme} \alias{root.scheme} \title{Create class SchemeTreeSet accessing ROOT scheme file} \description{ Create class SchemeTreeSet accessing ROOT scheme file. } \usage{ root.scheme(rootfile = character(0), add.mask = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{rootfile}{name of ROOT scheme file, including full path.} \item{add.mask}{if \code{TRUE} mask information will be included as slot \code{mask}.} } \details{ An S4 class \code{\link{SchemeTreeSet}} will be created, serving as R wrapper to the \code{\link{ROOT}} scheme file \code{rootfile}. } \value{ A \code{SchemeTreeSet} object. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \note{Use this function to access the \code{\link{ROOT}} scheme file from new R sessions to avoid creating a new \code{\link{ROOT}} scheme file for every R session. Do not set \code{add.mask=TRUE} for exon arrays unless you know that your computer has sufficient RAM. } \seealso{\code{\link{import.expr.scheme}}, \code{\link{import.exon.scheme}}, \code{\link{SchemeTreeSet}}} \examples{ ## create class SchemeSet to access the ROOT scheme file for the Test3 GeneChip scheme.test3 <- root.scheme(paste(.path.package("xps"),"schemes/SchemeTest3.root",sep="/")) str(scheme.test3) \dontrun{ ## scheme set for existing human root exon scheme file scheme.huex10stv2r2.na22 <- root.scheme("/my/path/schemes/Scheme_HuEx10stv2r2_na22.root") } } \keyword{manip}