\name{root.browser-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{root.browser} \title{Open the ROOT object browser} \description{ Open the \code{\link{ROOT}} object browser to see all objects stored in a \code{\link{ROOT}} file including \code{\link{ROOT}} trees. } \usage{ root.browser(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an object of type \code{\link{SchemeTreeSet}}, \code{\link{DataTreeSet}}, \code{\link{ExprTreeSet}}, or \code{\link{CallTreeSet}}} } \author{Christian Stratowa} \note{ Always select menu item \dQuote{Quit ROOT} from menu \dQuote{File} to close the ROOT browser, otherwise you are in the CINT C/C++ interpreter from \code{\link{ROOT}}. To exit CINT, you need to type \dQuote{.q}. } \keyword{methods}