\name{export.filter} \alias{export.filter} \title{Export filter data as text files} \description{ Export data from classes \code{\link{FilterTreeSet}} or \code{\link{AnalysisTreeSet}} to \code{outfile}. } \usage{ export.filter(xps.fltr, treename = "*", treetype = character(0), varlist = "*", outfile = character(0), sep = "\t", as.dataframe = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{xps.fltr}{an object of type \code{\link{FilterTreeSet}} or \code{\link{AnalysisTreeSet}}.} \item{treename}{tree name to export.} \item{treetype}{type of tree(s) to export, 'pfr', 'ufr' or 'stt'.} \item{varlist}{names of tree leaves to export.} \item{outfile}{name of output file.} \item{sep}{column separator} \item{as.dataframe}{if \code{TRUE} a data.frame will be returned.} \item{verbose}{logical, if \code{TRUE} print status information.} } \details{ Export data from classes \code{\link{FilterTreeSet}}, or \code{\link{AnalysisTreeSet}} to \code{outfile}. Parameter \code{varlist} lists the parameters to export: \cr - parameters are separated by ":", e.g. \code{varlist="fUnitName:fFlag"}. \cr - for \code{varlist="*"} all valid parameters will be exported. For class \code{FilterTreeSet} the following \code{varlist} parameters are valid: \tabular{lll}{ \tab \code{fUnitName}:\tab unit name (probeset ID). \cr \tab \code{fFlag}:\tab mask. } For class \code{AnalysisTreeSet} \code{varlist} can contain annotation parameters and parameters of the resulting data. \cr Following \code{varlist} annotation parameters are valid: \tabular{lll}{ \tab \code{fUnitName}:\tab unit name (probeset ID). \cr \tab \code{fTranscriptID}:\tab transcript\_id (probeset ID). \cr \tab \code{fName}:\tab gene name. \cr \tab \code{fSymbol}:\tab gene symbol. \cr \tab \code{fAccession}:\tab mRNA accession such as Refseq ID. \cr \tab \code{fEntrezID}:\tab entrez ID. \cr \tab \code{fChromosome}:\tab chromosome. \cr \tab \code{fStart}:\tab start position. \cr \tab \code{fStop}:\tab stop position. \cr \tab \code{fStrand}:\tab strand on chromosome. \cr \tab \code{fCytoBand}:\tab cytoband. } For class \code{AnalysisTreeSet} the following \code{varlist} parameters are valid: \tabular{lll}{ \tab \code{mn1}:\tab mean of group 1. \cr \tab \code{mn2}:\tab mean of group 2. \cr \tab \code{fc}:\tab fold-change fc=mn2/mn1. \cr \tab \code{se}:\tab standard error. \cr \tab \code{df}:\tab degree of freedom. \cr \tab \code{stat}:\tab t-statistic. \cr \tab \code{pval}:\tab p-value. \cr \tab \code{nper}:\tab number of permutations. \cr \tab \code{pcha}:\tab p-chance. \cr \tab \code{padj}:\tab adjusted p-value. \cr \tab \code{flag}:\tab flag. \cr \tab \code{mask}:\tab only rows with \code{flag=1} will be exported. } } \value{ If \code{as.dataframe} is \code{TRUE}, the data will be imported into the current R session as \code{data.frame}. Otherwise, \code{NULL} will be returned. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \seealso{\code{\link{export-methods}}} \keyword{manip}