\name{existsROOTFile} \alias{existsROOTFile} \title{Test for Existing ROOT File} \description{ Test if a ROOT file does already exist. } \usage{ existsROOTFile(filename, tmp.rm = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{name of ROOT file, including full path.} \item{tmp.rm}{logical, if \code{TRUE} then exlude filenames beginning with dQuote(tmp\_).} } \value{ Return \code{TRUE} if file \code{filename} is an already existing \code{\link{ROOT}} file. } \note{ It is possible to create temporary \code{\link{ROOT}} files called \dQuote{tmp} or with \code{filename} starting with \dQuote{tmp\_} which can be overwritten. Thus by default temporary files will not be recognized by \code{existsROOTFile}. If you want to recognize temporary files, set \code{tmp.rm = TRUE}. } \seealso{\code{\link{isROOTFile}}} \author{Christian Stratowa} \examples{ existsROOTFile(paste(.path.package("xps"),"schemes/SchemeTest3.root",sep="/")) } \keyword{manip}