\name{callplot-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{callplot-methods} \alias{callplot} \title{Barplot of Percent Present and Absent Calls.} \description{ Creates a barplot of percent Present/Marginal/Absent calls. \emph{Usage} \code{ callplot(x, beside = TRUE, names = "namepart", col = c("red","green","blue"), legend = c("P","M","A"), ylim = c(0,100), ylab = "detection call [\%]", las = 2, ...) } } \arguments{ \item{x}{object of class \code{\link{CallTreeSet}}.} \item{beside}{logical. If \code{FALSE}, the columns of height are portrayed as stacked bars, and if \code{TRUE} the columns are portrayed as juxtaposed bars.} \item{names}{optional vector of sample names.} \item{col}{color for P/M/A bars} \item{legend}{legend for the plot, defaults to P/M/A.} \item{ylim}{the y limits of the plot.} \item{ylab}{a label for the y axis.} \item{las}{the style of axis labels.} \item{\dots}{optional arguments to be passed to \code{barplot}.} } \details{ Creates a barplot of percent Present/Marginal/Absent calls. For \code{names=NULL} full column names of slot \code{data} will be displayed while for \code{names="namepart"} column names will be displayed without name extension. If \code{names} is a vector of column names, only these columns will displayed as callplot. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \seealso{\code{\link{pmplot}}} \keyword{methods}