\name{attachBgrd-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{attachBgrd-methods} \alias{attachBgrd} \alias{removeBgrd-methods} \alias{removeBgrd} \title{Attach/Remove Background Intensities} \description{ Attach/remove background intensities to/from \code{\link{DataTreeSet}}. \emph{Usage} \code{attachBgrd(object, treenames = "*")} \code{removeBgrd(object)} } \arguments{ \item{object}{Object of class \code{"DataTreeSet"}.} \item{treenames}{Object of class \code{"list"} representing the names of the \code{\link{ROOT}} background trees.} } \details{ Whenever one of the \code{\link{bgcorrect}} methods will be applied to raw CEL intensities, the background intensities will be stored in \code{\link{ROOT}} background trees. However, the background intensities will not be saved as data.frame \code{bgrd}, thus avoiding memory problems. Function \code{attachBgrd} allows to fill slot \code{bgrd} on demand. \code{attachBgrd} exports intensities from background trees from \code{\link{ROOT}} data file and saves as data.frame \code{bgrd}. \code{treenames} is a vector of tree names to attach; for \code{treenames="*"} all trees from slot \code{treenames} will be exported and background intensities attached as data.frame \code{bgrd}. \code{removeBgrd} removes background intensities from \code{\link{DataTreeSet}} and replaces data.frame \code{bgrd} with an empty data.frame of dim(0,0). } \value{ A \code{\link{DataTreeSet}} object. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \note{ Do not use \code{attachBgrd} unless you know that your computer has sufficient RAM, especially when using exon arrays. It may be advisible to use a subset of \code{treenames} only. } \seealso{\code{\link{attachInten}}, \code{\link{removeInten}}} \keyword{methods}