\name{xmapcore.range} \alias{xmapcore.range} \alias{domains.in.range} \alias{est_exons.in.range} \alias{est_genes.in.range} \alias{est_transcripts.in.range} \alias{exons.in.range} \alias{genes.in.range} \alias{prediction_transcripts.in.range} \alias{probesets.in.range} \alias{probes.in.range} \alias{proteins.in.range} \alias{transcripts.in.range} \alias{xmap.range.apply} \title{ xmapcore \'range\' functions } \description{ Get the features within the specified genome coordinates. } \usage{ domains.in.range( chr, start, end, strand, as.vector=TRUE ) est_exons.in.range( chr, start, end, strand, as.vector=TRUE ) est_genes.in.range( chr, start, end, strand, as.vector=TRUE ) est_transcripts.in.range( chr, start, end, strand, as.vector=TRUE ) exons.in.range( chr, start, end, strand, as.vector=TRUE ) genes.in.range( chr, start, end, strand, as.vector=TRUE ) prediction_transcripts.in.range( chr, start, end, strand, as.vector=TRUE ) probesets.in.range( chr, start, end, strand, as.vector=TRUE ) probes.in.range( chr, start, end, strand, as.vector=TRUE ) proteins.in.range( chr, start, end, strand, as.vector=TRUE ) transcripts.in.range( chr, start, end, strand, as.vector=TRUE ) xmap.range.apply( x, f, filter=c( chr="space", start="start", end="end", strand="strand" ), coerce=c( as.character, as.numeric, as.numeric, as.numeric ), ... ) } \arguments{ \item{as.vector}{ If \code{TRUE} returns a vector of database identifiers. If \code{FALSE} returns a \code{\link{RangedData}} object containing detailed annotation. } \item{chr}{ The chromosome name (as a character) } \item{start}{ Start of the region } \item{end}{ End of the region } \item{strand}{ 1 == top stand, -1 == bottom strand } \item{x}{A \code{\link{RangedData}} object} \item{f}{A function to apply to each \'row\' of the \code{\link{RangedData}} object} \item{filter}{Which \'columns\' of the \code{\link{RangedData}} object does the function need, and what parameters in the function do they map on to?. For example, by default, the field \'space\' gets mapped to the parameter \'chr\'.} \item{coerce}{What is the type of each parameter in \'f\'?} \item{...}{additional parameters to \'f\'} } \details{ Find all the specified features within a given region of the genome. For all functions except \code{probes.in.range}, features that fall on the boundaries of the region (i.e. are partially overlapping) are returned too. For \code{probes.in.range} probes that span the start of the range are NOT returned (but those spanning the end of the range are). The function \code{xmap.range.apply} makes it possible to map any of these functions down the rows of a \code{\link{RangedData}} object. The defaults are set up so that it will handle the output of one of the \code{.in.range} methods here. This makes it easy to nest functions, for example, to find all genes in a given region of the the genome, and then find the exon array probes that map to those genes (see below). } \value{ Returns an \code{\link{RangedData}} object, one \'row\' per feature, containing detailed annotations, or a \code{vector} of identifiers, depending on the value of \code{as.vector}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{xmapcore.to}}\cr \code{\link{xmapcore.details}}\cr \code{\link{xmapcore.all}}\cr \code{\link{xmapcore.utils}}\cr \code{\link{xmapcore.filters}}\cr \code{\link{RangedData}} } \author{ Tim Yates } \examples{ if(interactive()) { xmap.connect() r <- genes.in.range( '17', 7510000, 7550000, 1 ) genes.in.range( '17', 7510000, 7550000, -1 ) xmap.range.apply(symbol.to.gene("TP53",as.vector=FALSE),probes.in.range) } }