\name{xmapcore.env} \alias{xmapcore.env} \alias{xmap.env} \alias{xmap.get.param} \alias{xmap.set.param} \alias{xmap.array.type} \title{ xmapcore \'env\' functions } \description{ Functions to access internal parameters } \usage{ xmap.env() xmap.get.param( key ) xmap.set.param( ... ) xmap.array.type( name=NULL, pick.default=FALSE ) } \arguments{ \item{ ... }{ A list of key-value parameters you wish to set. } \item{key}{ The key for the value you want to return. } \item{name}{ The name of the array you want to use. If \code{NULL}, you will be presented with a menu of options. } \item{pick.default}{ If \code{TRUE}, \code{xmap.array.type} will choose the first available arraytype for this species. } } \details{ These functions allow some access to \code{xmapcore}\'s configuration data. They are included to help debug database connection issues, and are not normally needed. On connection, a default arraytype (Affymetrix Exon arrays, where available) is specfied for the probe mappings. \code{xmap.array.type} allows a different type of array to be specfied. This included for future compatibility. } \seealso{ \code{\link{xmapcore.to}}\cr \code{\link{xmapcore.details}}\cr \code{\link{xmapcore.all}}\cr \code{\link{xmapcore.range}}\cr \code{\link{xmapcore.filters}}\cr } \author{ Tim Yates Crispin J. Miller } \examples{ if(interactive()) { xmap.env() xmap.get.param( "debug" ) xmap.connect() xmap.set.param( debug=TRUE) xmap.connect() xmap.set.param( debug=FALSE) xmap.disconnect() } \dontrun{ xmap.array.type("HuEx-1_0") } }