\name{xmap.plot} \alias{xmap.plot} \alias{xmap.points} \title{ Utility methods for quick graph generation } \description{ These methods attempt to provide a simpler interface for generating X:Map graphs. } \usage{ xmap.plot( x, y, species=c("homo_sapiens","mus_musculus","rattus_norvegicus"), chr, xlim, ylim, main, sub, type=c("scatter", "line", "bar", "step", "area", "steparea"), xlab, ylab = "value", col, dp=2, projectid ) xmap.points( x, y, type=c("scatter", "line", "bar", "step", "area", "steparea"), xlab, col, dp=2, graphid ) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ The points for the x-axis of this plot. These points must be offsets from the start of the graph, and not their actual chromosomal location } \item{y}{ The points for the y-axis of this plot. Points where min>y or y >max will not be displayed } \item{species}{ The species that this graph is to be drawn on } \item{chr}{ A string representing the chromosome this graph is to be drawn on } \item{xlim}{ A range object describing the min and max BP for this graph. If ommitted, we call range on the x parameter } \item{ylim}{ The maximum and minimum Y value for the graph. If ommitted, we call range on the y parameter } \item{main}{ The main title } \item{sub}{ A sub-title for this graph } \item{type}{ The type of graph you wish to draw } \item{xlab}{ The label for this plot } \item{ylab}{ The label for the yaxis of this graph } \item{col}{ The colour of the graph defined as an integer in the format 0xAARRGGBB. See \code{\link{xmap.col}} } \item{dp}{ The number of decimal places you want to save for the y-coordinates } \item{projectid}{ The projectid (returned by \code{\link{xmap.project.new}} and as a list from \code{\link{xmap.project.list}}. If this is not passed, on the first time of calling a new project will be created, and will be used on all subsequent calls) } \item{graphid}{ The graphid returned by \code{\link{xmap.graph.new}} or \code{\link{xmap.graph.list}}. If this is not passed, it will use the last graph generated by \code{\link{xmap.plot}}. } } \author{ Tim Yates } \seealso{ \code{\link{xmap.col}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.project.new}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.project.list}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.project.load}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.project.save}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.project.delete}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.graph.new}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.graph.list}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.graph.load}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.graph.save}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.graph.delete}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.plot.new}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.plot.list}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.plot.load}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.plot.save}}\cr \code{\link{xmap.plot.delete}}\cr } \examples{ \dontshow{ path <- tempdir() old.path <- Sys.getenv( "XMAP_BRIDGE_CACHE" ) Sys.setenv( XMAP_BRIDGE_CACHE=path ) } x <- seq( 1000, 100000, by = 1000 ) y <- runif( length( x ), -10, 10 ) # This will create a new project, and graph, and add a plot to it xmap.plot( x, y, species="homo_sapiens", "1", main="A quick graph", sub="Sub heading", type="area", xlab="Plot 1", col=0xAAFFBB00 ) # This will add another plot to the same graph xmap.points( x, y, type="area", xlab="Plot 2", col=0xAA0000FF ) \dontshow{ Sys.setenv( XMAP_BRIDGE_CACHE=old.path ) } }