\name{exon.data} \alias{exon.data} \title{ Sample exon array dataset } \description{ Data frame containing gene,exon and probeset IDs and probeset target locations for a subset of an Affmyetrix exon array dataset comparing two cell lines (mcf7 and mcf10a). } \usage{ data(xmapbridge) } \details{ The object is a subset (80 genes, 1747 probesets) of RMA processed Exon Array data with associated annotation. It was generated using the exonmap bioconductor package. More details on the original dataset can be found in Okoniewski MJ, Miller CJ. Comprehensive Analysis of Affymetrix Exon Arrays Using BioConductor. PLoS Computational Biology 2008, 4(2): e6 doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.0040006. } \value{ On loading, creates the object exon.data. } \author{ Crispin J Miller } \keyword{ misc }