\name{xcmsRaw} \alias{xcmsRaw} \alias{deepCopy} \alias{deepCopy,xcmsRaw-method} \title{Constructor for xcmsRaw objects which reads NetCDF/mzXML files} \description{ This function handles the task of reading a NetCDF/mzXML file containing LC/MS or GC/MS data into a new \code{xcmsRaw} object. It also transforms the data into profile (maxrix) mode for efficient plotting and data exploration. } \usage{ xcmsRaw(filename, profstep = 1, profmethod = "intlin", profparam = list(), includeMSn=FALSE, mslevel=NULL) deepCopy(object) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{path name of the NetCDF or mzXML file to read} \item{profstep}{step size (in m/z) to use for profile generation} \item{profmethod}{method to use for profile generation} \item{profparam}{extra parameters to use for profile generation} \item{includeMSn}{only for XML file formats: also read MS$^n$ (Tandem-MS of Ion-/Orbi- Trap spectra)} \item{mslevel}{move data from mslevel into normal MS1 slots, e.g. for peak picking and visualisation} \item{object}{An xcmsRaw object} } \details{ If \code{profstep} is set to 0, no profile matrix is generated. Unless includeMSn=TRUE only first level MS data is read, not MS/MS, etc.) deepCopy(xraw) will create a copy of the xcmsRaw object with its own copy of mz and intensity data in xraw@env } \value{ A \code{xcmsRaw} object. } \references{ NetCDF file format: \url{http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/netcdf/} \url{http://www.astm.org/Standards/E2077.htm} \url{http://www.astm.org/Standards/E2078.htm} mzXML file format: \url{http://sashimi.sourceforge.net/software_glossolalia.html} PSI-MS working group who developed mzData and mzML file formats: \url{http://www.psidev.info/index.php?q=node/80} Parser used for XML file formats: \url{http://tools.proteomecenter.org/wiki/index.php?title=Software:RAMP} } \author{Colin A. Smith, \email{csmith@scripps.edu}} \note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{xcmsRaw-class}}, \code{\link{profStep}}, \code{\link{profMethod}} \code{\link{xcmsFragments}} } \keyword{file}