\name{xcmsFragments} \alias{xcmsFragments} \title{Constructor for xcmsFragments objects which holds Tandem MS peaks} \description{ EXPERIMANTAL FEATURE xcmsFragments is an object similar to xcmsSet, which holds peaks picked (or collected) from one or several xcmsRaw objects. There are still discussions going on about the exact API for MS$^n$ data, so this is likely to change in the future. The code is not yet pipeline-ified. } \usage{ xcmsFragments(xs, ...) } \arguments{ \item{xs}{A \code{\link{xcmsSet-class}} object which contains picked ms1-peaks from one or several experiments} \item{\dots}{ further arguments to the \code{collect} method } } \details{ After running collect(xFragments,xSet) The peaktable of the xcmsFragments includes the ms1Peaks from all experinemts stored in a xcmsSet-object. Further it contains the relevant MSn-peaks from the xcmsRaw-objects, which were created temporarily with the paths in xcmsSet. } \value{ An \code{xcmsFragments} object. } \author{Joachim Kutzera, Steffen Neumann, \email{sneumann@ipb-halle.de}} \seealso{ \code{\link{xcmsFragments-class}}, \code{\link{collect}} } \keyword{file}