\name{score_fun.distMatrix} \alias{score_fun.distMatrix} \title{Scoring for MS/MS spectra} \description{ A similarity scoring function for MS/MS spectra against a reference via a distance matrix. } \usage{ score_fun.distMatrix(ref, exp, ppmfrag) } \arguments{ \item{ref}{An array of numbers for the refference} \item{exp}{An array of numbers for the test} \item{ppmfrag}{A numerical string for the amount of error in } } \details{ A simple scoring function to score two arrays of numbers and give a percentage match between the two. Uses a a distance and similarity matrix score system. When the two scores are calculated the percentage score is calculated from the theoritical maximum score and the theoritical minimum score. } \value{ \item{score}{Percentage score between the two arrays} } \seealso{ \code{\link{score_fun.cor}} } \references{ H. Paul Benton, D.M. Wong, S.A.Strauger, G. Siuzdak "XC\eqn{MS^2}:" Analytical Chemistry 2008 DOI:\url{http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ac800795f/} } \author{H. Paul Benton, \email{hpbenton@scripps.edu}} \examples{ \dontrun{ score<-xcms:::score_fun.distMatrix(rnorm(10), rnorm(10), 20) score a<-abs(rnorm(5)) a[2]<-xcms:::ppmDev(a[2], 30) score<-xmcs:::score_fun.distMatrix() score } }