\name{rectUnique} \alias{rectUnique} \title{Determine a subset of rectangles with unique, non-overlapping areas} \description{ Given a matrix of rectangular areas, this function determines a subset of those rectangles that do not overlap. Rectangles are preserved on a first come, first served basis, with user control over the order in which the rectangles are processed. } \usage{ rectUnique(m, order = seq(length = nrow(m)), xdiff = 0, ydiff = 0) } \arguments{ \item{m}{four column matrix defining rectangular areas} \item{order}{order in which matrix columns should be scanned} \item{xdiff}{maximum space between overlapping rectangles in x dimension} \item{ydiff}{maximum space between overlapping rectangles in y dimension} } \details{ The \code{m} matrix must contain four colums defining the position of rectangle sides in the folloing order: left, right, bottom, top. This function is currently implemented in \code{C} using a an algorithm with quadratic running time. } \value{ A logical vector indicating which rows should be kept. } \author{Colin A. Smith, \email{csmith@scripps.edu}} \examples{ m <- rbind(c(0,4,0,3), c(1,3,2,6), c(3,6,4,6)) plot(0, 0, type = "n", xlim=range(m[,1:2]), ylim=range(m[,3:4])) rect(m[,1], m[,3], m[,2], m[,4]) xcms:::rectUnique(m) # Changing order of processing xcms:::rectUnique(m, c(2,1,3)) # Requiring border spacing xcms:::rectUnique(m, ydiff = 1) # Allowing adjacent boxes xcms:::rectUnique(m, c(2,1,3), xdiff = -0.00001) # Allowing interpenetration xcms:::rectUnique(m, xdiff = -1.00001, ydiff = -1.00001) } \keyword{array} \keyword{internal}