\name{plotChrom-methods} \docType{methods} %\alias{plotChrom-methods} \alias{plotChrom} \alias{plotChrom,xcmsRaw-method} \title{Plot extracted ion chromatograms from the profile matrix} \description{ Uses the pre-generated profile mode matrix to plot averaged or base peak extracted ion chromatograms over a specified mass range. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{object = "xcmsRaw"}{ \code{plotChrom(object, base = FALSE, ident = FALSE, fitgauss = FALSE, vline = numeric(0), ...)} } }} \arguments{ \item{object}{the \code{xcmsRaw} object} \item{base}{logical, plot a base-peak chromatogram} \item{ident}{logical, use mouse to identify and label peaks} \item{fitgauss}{logical, fit a gaussian to the largest peak} \item{vline}{numeric vector with locations of vertical lines} \item{...}{arguments passed to \code{\link{profRange}}} } \value{ If \code{ident == TRUE}, an integer vector with the indecies of the points that were identified. If \code{fitgauss == TRUE}, a \code{nls} model with the fitted gaussian. Otherwise a two-column matrix with the plotted points. } \seealso{ \code{\link{xcmsRaw-class}} } \keyword{methods} \keyword{hplot} \keyword{iplot}