\name{descendZero} \alias{descendZero} \alias{descendMin} \alias{descendValue} \title{Find start and end points of a peak} \description{ Decends down the sides of a data peak and finds either the points greater than or equal to the zero intercept, the intercept with a given value, or the bottom of the first valley on each side. } \usage{ descendZero(y, istart = which.max(y)) descendValue(y, value, istart = which.max(y)) descendMin(y, istart = which.max(y)) } \arguments{ \item{y}{numeric vector with values} \item{istart}{starting point for descent} \item{value}{numeric value to descend to} } \value{ An integer vector of length 2 with the starting and ending indicies of the peak start and end points. } \author{Colin A. Smith, \email{csmith@scripps.edu}} \seealso{ \code{\link{descendValue}} } \examples{ normdist <- dnorm(seq(-4, 4, .1)) - .1 xcms:::descendZero(normdist) normdist[xcms:::descendZero(normdist)] xcms:::descendValue(normdist, .15) normdist[xcms:::descendValue(normdist, .15)] xcms:::descendMin(normdist) } \keyword{iteration} \keyword{internal}