\name{writeText} \alias{writeText} \alias{writeList} \alias{getListValue} \alias{getTextValue} \alias{getEntryValue} \title{Functions that read from and write to tcltk widgets} \description{ These functions provide some of the common read and write operations for tcltk widgets } \usage{ writeText(widget, value, clear = TRUE) writeList(widget, value, clear = TRUE) getListValue(which) getTextValue(which) getEntryValue(which) } \arguments{ \item{widget}{\code{widget} a tkwin object for the tcltk widget to be read or written to} \item{value}{\code{value} the text of numerical value to be written to a tcltk widget} \item{clear}{\code{clear} a boolean to indicate whether a value will append to the existing one (FALSE)} \item{which}{\code{which} a tkwin object for the tcltk widget whose value will be retrieved} } \details{ \code{\link{writeText}} writes to a given tcltk text box widget. \code{\link{writeList}} writes to a given tcltk list or entry box widget. \code{\link{getListValue}} retrieves the selected value in a tcltk list widget. \code{\link{getTextValue}} retrieves the value of a text box. \code{\link{getEntryValue}} retrieves the value of an entry box. } \value{ \code{\link{getListValue}} returns the selected value in a tcltk list widget. \code{\link{getTextValue}} returns the value of a text box. \code{\link{getEntryValue}} returns the value of an entry box. } \references{R tcltk} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{basicPW-class}}, \code{\link{widget-class}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ ## These cannot be run by examples() but should be OK when pasted ## into an interactive R session with the widgetTools package loaded # Create the widgets base <- tktoplevel() list <- tklistbox(base, width = 20, height = 5) entry <- tkentry(base) text <- tktext(base, width = 20, height = 5) tkpack(list, entry, text) # Write and read from the widgets writeList(list, c("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")) writeList(entry, "An Entry box") writeText(text, "A text box") # Will be NULL if not selected getListValue(list) getTextValue(text) getEntryValue(entry) # Destroy toplevel widget # tkdestroy(base) } } \keyword{interface}