\name{tooltip} \alias{tooltip} \title{A tcltk widget to mimic a tooltip} \description{ Current tcltk library does not support tooltip unless an extension is included. The function tooltip is implemented as an alternative. } \usage{ tooltip(text, targetWidget, width = 350) } \arguments{ \item{text}{\code{text} a character string for the content of the tooltip} \item{targetWidget}{\code{targetWidget} a tkwin object for the target tcltk widget to which a tool tip will be associated} \item{width}{\code{width} an integer for the width (in pixels) of the tooltip} } \details{ Given a target tcltk widget, a tooltip will be associated with the widget. The content of the tooltip will be shown when mouse moves over the widget and disappear when mouse moves out of the widget. } \value{ This function returns invisible() } \references{tcltk} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{dropdownList}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ ## These cannot be run by examples() but should be OK when pasted ## into an interactive R session with the widgetTools package loaded base <- tktoplevel() but <- tkbutton(base, text = "Move Mouse Over Me") tkpack(but) tkbind(but, "", expression(tooltip("Move mouse off me", but))) # Destroy toplevel widget # tkdestroy(base) } } \keyword{misc}