\name{basicPW-class} \docType{class} \alias{basicPW-class} \alias{wHeight<-} \alias{wHeight} \alias{wNotify<-} \alias{wNotify} \alias{wType<-} \alias{wType} \alias{wValue<-} \alias{wValue} \alias{wPostFun} \alias{wPostFun<-} \alias{wPreFun} \alias{wPreFun<-} \alias{wView<-} \alias{wView} \alias{wWidth<-} \alias{wWidth} \alias{wEnv} \alias{wEnv<-} \alias{wFuns} \alias{wName} \alias{wPreFun} \alias{wPostFun<-} \alias{wFuns<-} \alias{wName<-} \alias{wHeight<-,basicPW-method} \alias{wHeight,basicPW-method} \alias{wNotify<-,basicPW-method} \alias{wNotify,basicPW-method} \alias{wType<-,basicPW-method} \alias{wType,basicPW-method} \alias{wValue<-,basicPW-method} \alias{wValue,basicPW-method} \alias{wPostFun,basicPW-method} \alias{wPreFun<-,basicPW-method} \alias{wView<-,basicPW-method} \alias{wView,basicPW-method} \alias{wWidth<-,basicPW-method} \alias{wWidth,basicPW-method} \alias{wEnv,basicPW-method} \alias{wFuns,basicPW-method} \alias{wName,basicPW-method} \alias{wPreFun,basicPW-method} \alias{wPostFun<-,basicPW-method} \alias{wFuns<-,basicPW-method} \alias{wName<-,basicPW-method} \alias{wEnv<-,basicPW-method} \title{Class "basicPW", a basic class for primary widgets} \description{This class defines the behavior shared by primary widget object used to build a GUI type interface} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("basicPW", ...)}. Constructors have been defined to create objects of this class for specific widgets such as buttons, list boxes, .. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{wName}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} - a string for the name of the object} \item{\code{wType}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} - a string defining the type of the primary widget. (e.g. button)} \item{\code{wValue}:}{Object of class \code{"ANY"} - the initial value to be associated with the object} \item{\code{wWidth}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} - an integer for the width of the object to be rendered (if applicable)} \item{\code{wHeight}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} - an integer for the height of the object to be rendered (if applicable)} \item{\code{wFuns}:}{Object of class \code{"list"} - a list of R functions to be executed before the widget is activated} \item{\code{wPreFun}:}{Object of class \code{"function"} - a list of functions to be executed before the value of the widget to be updated} \item{\code{wPostFun}:}{Object of class \code{"function"} - a list of functions to be executed before the value of the widget to be retrieved} \item{\code{wNotify}:}{Object of class \code{"list"} - a list of functions to be executed each time when the value of the widget changes} \item{\code{wEnv}:}{Object of class \code{"environment"} - an R environment object within which the value of the object is stored} \item{\code{wView}:}{Object of class \code{"widgetView"} - a object of the class widgetView to which the widget is rendered} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{wEnv<-}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Set the value for wEnv slot} \item{wEnv}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Get the value for wEnv slot } \item{wFuns<-}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Set the value for wFuns slot} \item{wFuns}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Get the value for wFuns slot} \item{wHeight<-}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Set the value for wHeight slot} \item{wHeight}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Get the value for wHeight slot} \item{wName<-}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Set the value for wName slot} \item{wName}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Get the value for wName slot} \item{wNotify<-}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Set the value for wNotify slot} \item{wNotify}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Get the value for wNotify slot} \item{wPostFun<-}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Set the value for wPostFun slot} \item{wPostFun}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Get the value for wPostFun slot} \item{wPreFun<-}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Set the value for wPreFun slot} \item{wPreFun}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Get the value for wPreFun slot} \item{wType<-}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Set the value for wType slot} \item{wType}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Get the value for wType slot} \item{wValue<-}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Set the value for wValue slot} \item{wValue}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Get the value for wValue slot} \item{wView<-}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Set the value for wView slot } \item{view}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Get the value for wView slot } \item{wWidth<-}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Set the value for wWidth slot } \item{wWidth}{\code{signature(object = "basicPW")}: Get the value for wWidth slot} } } \references{Programming with data } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{widgetView-class}},\code{\link{widget-class}} } \examples{ # Create an R environment to store the values of primary widgets PWEnv <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = parent.frame(1)) # Create a label label1 <- label(wName = "label1", wValue = "File Name: ", wEnv = PWEnv) # Create an entry box with "Feed me using brows" as the default value entry1 <- entryBox(wName = "entry1", wValue = "Feed me using browse", wEnv = PWEnv) } \keyword{classes}