\name{tspsig} \alias{tspsig} \title{Significance calculation for top scoring pairs} \description{ This function calculates the significance of a top-scoring pair. It can be run after tspcalc() to calculate how strong a TSP is. } \usage{ tspsig(dat,grp,B=50,seed=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{dat}{Can take two values: (a) an m genes by n arrays matrix of expression data or (b) an eSet object} \item{grp}{Can take one of two values: (a) A group indicator incharacter or numeric form, (b) an integer indicating the column of pData(dat) to use as the group indicator} \item{B}{The number of permutations to perform in calculation of the p-value, default is 50.} \item{seed}{If this is a numeric argument, the seed will be set for reproducible p-values.} } \details{ tspsig() only works for two group classification. The computation time grows rapidly in the number of genes, so for large gene expression matrices one should be prepared to wait or do a pre-filtering step. A progress bar is shown which gives some indication of the time until the calculation is complete. The top scoring pairs methodology was originally described in Geman et al. (2004). } \value{ \item{p}{A p-value for testing the null hypothesis that there is no TSP for the data set dat.} \item{nullscores}{The null TSP scores from the permutation test.} } \references{ D. Geman, C. d'Avignon, D. Naiman and R. Winslow, "Classifying gene expression profiles from pairwise mRNA comparisons," Statist. Appl. in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 3, 2004. } \author{Jeffrey T. Leek \email{jtleek@jhu.edu}} \seealso{\code{\link{tspplot}}, \code{\link{ts.pair}}, \code{\link{tspcalc}},\code{\link{predict.tsp}}, \code{\link{summary.tsp}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ ## Load data data(tspdata) ## Run tspcalc() on a data matrix and grp vector tsp1 <- tspcalc(dat,grp) ## Run tspsig() to get a p-value p <- tspsig(dat,grp) p } } \keyword{misc}