\name{topGOdata-class} \docType{class} \alias{topGOdata-class} \alias{allGenes} \alias{attrInTerm} \alias{countGenesInTerm} \alias{description<-} \alias{description} \alias{feasible<-} \alias{feasible} \alias{geneSelectionFun<-} \alias{geneSelectionFun} \alias{genes} \alias{genesInTerm} \alias{graph<-} \alias{graph} \alias{numGenes} \alias{ontology<-} \alias{ontology} \alias{sigGenes} \alias{numSigGenes} \alias{termStat} \alias{updateGenes} \alias{updateTerm<-} \alias{usedGO} \alias{expressionMatrix} \alias{phenotype} \alias{expressionMatrix,topGOdata-method} \alias{phenotype,topGOdata-method} \alias{geneScore} \alias{geneScore,topGOdata,missing-method} \alias{geneScore,topGOdata,character-method} \alias{scoresInTerm} \alias{scoresInTerm,topGOdata,missing-method} \alias{scoresInTerm,topGOdata,character-method} \alias{show,topGOdata-method} \alias{allGenes,topGOdata-method} \alias{attrInTerm,topGOdata,character,character-method} \alias{attrInTerm,topGOdata,character,missing-method} \alias{countGenesInTerm,topGOdata,character-method} \alias{countGenesInTerm,topGOdata,missing-method} \alias{description<-,topGOdata,ANY-method} \alias{description,topGOdata-method} \alias{feasible<-,topGOdata-method} \alias{feasible,topGOdata-method} \alias{geneScore,topGOdata-method} \alias{geneSelectionFun<-,topGOdata-method} \alias{geneSelectionFun,topGOdata-method} \alias{genes,topGOdata-method} \alias{genesInTerm,topGOdata,character-method} \alias{genesInTerm,topGOdata,missing-method} \alias{graph<-,topGOdata-method} \alias{graph,topGOdata-method} \alias{initialize,topGOdata-method} \alias{numGenes,topGOdata-method} \alias{ontology<-,topGOdata-method} \alias{ontology,topGOdata-method} \alias{print,topGOdata-method} \alias{sigGenes,topGOdata-method} \alias{numSigGenes,topGOdata-method} \alias{termStat,topGOdata,character-method} \alias{termStat,topGOdata,missing-method} \alias{updateGenes,topGOdata,numeric,function-method} \alias{updateGenes,topGOdata,factor,missing-method} \alias{updateTerm<-,topGOdata,character-method} \alias{usedGO,topGOdata-method} \title{Class "topGOdata"} \description{ TODO: The node attributes are environments containing the genes/probes annotated to the respective node If genes is a numeric vector than this should represent the gene's score. If it is factor it should discriminate the genes in interesting genes and the rest TODO: it will be a good idea to replace the allGenes and allScore with an ExpressionSet class. In this way we can use tests like global test, globalAncova.... -- ALL variables starting with . are just for internal class usage (private) } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("topGOdata", ontology, allGenes, geneSelectionFun, description, annotationFun, ...)}. ~~ describe objects here ~~ } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{description}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} ~~ } \item{\code{ontology}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} ~~ } \item{\code{allGenes}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} ~~ } \item{\code{allScores}:}{Object of class \code{"ANY"} ~~ } \item{\code{geneSelectionFun}:}{Object of class \code{"function"} ~~ } \item{\code{feasible}:}{Object of class \code{"logical"} ~~ } \item{\code{nodeSize}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} ~~ } \item{\code{graph}:}{Object of class \code{"graphNEL"} ~~ } \item{\code{expressionMatrix}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"} ~~ } \item{\code{phenotype}:}{Object of class \code{"factor"} ~~ } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{allGenes}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: ... } \item{attrInTerm}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata", attr = "character", whichGO = "character")}: ... } \item{attrInTerm}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata", attr = "character", whichGO = "missing")}: ... } \item{countGenesInTerm}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata", whichGO = "character")}: ... } \item{countGenesInTerm}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata", whichGO = "missing")}: ... } \item{description<-}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: ... } \item{description}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: ... } \item{feasible<-}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: ... } \item{feasible}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: ... } \item{geneScore}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: ... } \item{geneSelectionFun<-}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: ... } \item{geneSelectionFun}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: ... } \item{genes}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: A method for obtaining the list of genes, as a characther vector, which will be used in the further analysis.} \item{numGenes}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: A method for obtaining the number of genes, which will be used in the further analysis. It has the same effect as: \code{lenght(genes(object))}.} \item{sigGenes}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: A method for obtaining the list of significant genes, as a charachter vector.} \item{genesInTerm}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata", whichGO = "character")}: ... } \item{genesInTerm}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata", whichGO = "missing")}: ... } \item{getSigGroups}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata", test.stat = "classicCount")}: ... } \item{getSigGroups}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata", test.stat = "classicScore")}: ... } \item{graph<-}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: ... } \item{graph}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: ... } \item{initialize}{\code{signature(.Object = "topGOdata")}: ... } \item{ontology<-}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: ... } \item{ontology}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: ... } \item{termStat}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata", whichGO = "character")}: ... } \item{termStat}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata", whichGO = "missing")}: ... } \item{updateGenes}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata", geneList = "numeric", geneSelFun = "function")}: ... } \item{updateGenes}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata", geneList = "factor", geneSelFun = "missing")}: ... } \item{updateTerm<-}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata", attr = "character")}: ... } \item{usedGO}{\code{signature(object = "topGOdata")}: ... } } } \author{Adrian Alexa} \seealso{ \code{\link{buildLevels}}, \code{\link{annFUN}} } \examples{ ## load the dataset data(geneList) library(package = affyLib, character.only = TRUE) ## the distribution of the adjusted p-values hist(geneList, 100) ## how many differentially expressed genes are: sum(topDiffGenes(geneList)) ## build the topGOdata class GOdata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "BP", allGenes = geneList, geneSel = topDiffGenes, description = "GO analysis of ALL data: Differential Expression between B-cell and T-cell", annot = annFUN.db, affyLib = affyLib) ## display the GOdata object GOdata ########################################################## ## Examples on how to use the methods ########################################################## ## description of the experiment description(GOdata) ## obtain the genes that will be used in the analysis a <- genes(GOdata) str(a) numGenes(GOdata) ## obtain the score (p-value) of the genes selGenes <- names(geneList)[sample(1:length(geneList), 10)] gs <- geneScore(GOdata, whichGenes = selGenes) print(gs) ## if we want an unnamed vector containing all the feasible genes gs <- geneScore(GOdata, use.names = FALSE) str(gs) ## the list of significant genes sg <- sigGenes(GOdata) str(sg) numSigGenes(GOdata) ## to update the gene list .geneList <- geneScore(GOdata, use.names = TRUE) GOdata ## more available genes GOdata <- updateGenes(GOdata, .geneList, topDiffGenes) GOdata ## the available genes are now the feasible genes ## the available GO terms (all the nodes in the graph) go <- usedGO(GOdata) length(go) ## to list the genes annotated to a set of specified GO terms sel.terms <- sample(go, 10) ann.genes <- genesInTerm(GOdata, sel.terms) str(ann.genes) ## the score for these genes ann.score <- scoresInTerm(GOdata, sel.terms) str(ann.score) ## to see the number of annotated genes num.ann.genes <- countGenesInTerm(GOdata) str(num.ann.genes) ## to summarise the statistics termStat(GOdata, sel.terms) } \keyword{graphs} \keyword{classes}