\name{printGraph-methods} \alias{GOplot} \alias{showSigOfNodes} \alias{printGraph-methods} \alias{printGraph} \alias{printGraph,topGOdata,topGOresult,numeric,missing-method} \alias{printGraph,topGOdata,topGOresult,numeric,topGOresult-method} \title{Visualisation functions} \description{ Functions to plot the subgraphs induced by the most significant GO terms } \usage{ showSigOfNodes(GOdata, termsP.value, firstSigNodes = 10, reverse = TRUE, sigForAll = TRUE, wantedNodes = NULL, putWN = TRUE, putCL = 0, type = NULL, showEdges = TRUE, swPlot = TRUE, useFullNames = TRUE, oldSigNodes = NULL, useInfo = c("none", "pval", "counts", "def", "np", "all")[1], plotFunction = GOplot, .NO.CHAR = 20) printGraph(object, result, firstSigNodes, refResult, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an object of class \code{topGOdata}.} \item{GOdata}{an object of class \code{topGOdata}.} \item{result}{an object of class \code{topGOresult}.} \item{firstSigNodes}{the number of top scoring GO terms which .... } \item{refResult}{an object of class \code{topGOresult}.} \item{termsP.value}{named vector of p-values.} \item{reverse}{the direction of the edges.} \item{sigForAll}{if \code{TRUE} the score/p-value of all nodes in the DAG is shown, otherwise only the score for the \code{sigNodes}} \item{wantedNodes}{the nodes that we want to find, we will plot this nodes with a different color. The vector contains the names of the nodes} \item{putWN}{the graph is generated with using the firstSigNodes and the wantedNodes.} \item{putCL}{we generate the graph from the nodes given by all previous parameters, plus their children. if putCL = 1 than only the children are added, if putCL = n we get the nodes form the next n levels.} \item{type}{used for ploting pie charts} \item{showEdges}{if \code{TRUE} the edge are shown} \item{swPlot}{if true the graph is ploted, if not no ploting is done.} \item{useInfo}{aditional info to be ploted to each node.} \item{oldSigNodes}{used to plot the (new) sigNodes in the same collor range as the old ones} \item{useFullNames}{argument for internal use ..} \item{plotFunction}{argument for internal use ..} \item{.NO.CHAR}{argument for internal use ..} \item{\dots}{ Extra arguments for \code{printGraph} can be: \describe{ \item{\code{fn.prefix}}{ character string giving the file name prefix. } \item{\code{useInfo}}{ as in \code{showSigOfNodes} function. } \item{\code{pdfSW}}{ logical attribute switch between PDF or PS formats. } } } } \details{ There are two functions available. The \code{showSigOfNodes} will plot the induced subgraph to the current graphic device. The \code{printGraph} is a warping function for \code{showSigOfNodes} and will save the resulting graph into a PDF or PS file. In the plots, the significant nodes are represented as rectangles. The plotted graph is the upper induced graph generated by these significant nodes. } \author{Adrian Alexa} \seealso{ \code{\link{groupStats-class}}, \code{\link{getSigGroups-methods}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(GOdata) data(results.tGO) showSigOfNodes(GOdata, score(resultFisher), firstSigNodes = 5, useInfo = 'all') printGraph(GOdata, resultFisher, firstSigNodes = 5, fn.prefix = "sampleFile", useInfo = "all", pdfSW = TRUE) } } \keyword{methods}