\name{getSigGroups} \alias{getSigGroups} \alias{runTest} \alias{getSigGroups-methods} \alias{getSigGroups,topGOdata,classicCount-method} \alias{getSigGroups,topGOdata,classicScore-method} \alias{getSigGroups,topGOdata,classicExpr-method} \alias{getSigGroups,topGOdata,elimCount-method} \alias{getSigGroups,topGOdata,elimScore-method} \alias{getSigGroups,topGOdata,elimExpr-method} \alias{getSigGroups,topGOdata,weightCount-method} \alias{getSigGroups,topGOdata,weight01Count-method} \alias{getSigGroups,topGOdata,weight01Score-method} \alias{getSigGroups,topGOdata,weight01Expr-method} \alias{getSigGroups,topGOdata,parentChild-method} \alias{getSigGroups,topGOdata,pC-method} \alias{runTest,topGOdata,character,character-method} \alias{runTest,topGOdata,missing,character-method} \alias{whichAlgorithms} \alias{whichTests} \title{Interfaces for running the enrichment tests} \description{ These function are used for dispatching the specific algorithm for a given \code{topGOdata} object and a test statistic. } \usage{ getSigGroups(object, test.stat, ...) runTest(object, algorithm, statistic, ...) whichAlgorithms() whichTests() } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of class \code{topGOdata} This object contains all data necessary for runnig the test.} \item{test.stat}{An object of class \code{groupStats}. This object defines the test statistic.} \item{algorithm}{Character string specifing which algorithm to use.} \item{statistic}{Character string specifing which test to use.} \item{\dots}{Other parameters. In the case of \code{runTest} they are used for defining the test statistic} } \details{ The \code{runTest} function can be used only with a predefined set of test statistics and algorithms. The algorithms and the statistical tests which are accessible via the \code{runTest} function are shown by the \code{whichAlgorithms()} and \code{whichTests()} functions. The runTest function is a warping of the \code{getSigGroups} and the initialisation of a \code{groupStats} object functions. ... } \value{ An object of class \code{topGOresult}. } \author{Adrian Alexa} \seealso{ \code{\link{topGOdata-class}}, \code{\link{groupStats-class}}, \code{\link{topGOresult-class}} } \examples{ ## load a sample topGOdata object data(GOdata) GOdata ############################## ## getSigGroups interface ############################## ## define a test statistic test.stat <- new("classicCount", testStatistic = GOFisherTest, name = "Fisher test") ## perform the test resultFis <- getSigGroups(GOdata, test.stat) resultFis ############################## ## runTest interface ############################## ## Enrichment analysis by using the "classic" method and Fisher's exact test resultFis <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "fisher") resultFis ## weight01 is the default algorithm weight01.fisher <- runTest(GOdata, statistic = "fisher") weight01.fisher ## not all combinations are possible! # weight.ks <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = "weight", statistic = "t") } \keyword{methods}