\name{geneList} \alias{geneList} \alias{topDiffGenes} \alias{affyLib} \docType{data} \title{A toy example of a list of gene identifiers and the respective p-values} \description{ The \code{geneList} data is compiled from a differential expression analysis of the \code{ALL} dataset. It contains just a small number of genes with the corespondent p-values. The information on where to find the GO annotations is stored in the \code{ALL} object. The \code{topDiffGenes} function included in this dataset will select the differentially expressed genes, at 0.01 significance level, from \code{geneList}. } \usage{data(geneList)} \source{ Generated using the \code{ALL} gene expression data. See the "scripts" directory. } \examples{ data(geneList) ## print the object head(geneList) length(geneList) ## the number of genes with a p-value less than 0.01 sum(topDiffGenes(geneList)) } \keyword{datasets}