\name{univ.func} \alias{univ.func} \title{Univariate Data} \description{Transforms multivariate vectors into univariate values using the Helmert matrix.} \usage{ univ.func(dummy, M, k, n, indx = 1) } \arguments{ \item{dummy}{a numeric gene index.} \item{M}{a numeric matrix containing the log-values or log-ratios of a gene.} \item{k}{a positive integer giving the number of time points.} \item{n}{a positive integer giving the number of replicates.} \item{indx}{a positive integer between 1 and k, indicating which row of the Helmert matrix to transform the vectors.} } \value{ A numeric vector with length equals to \code{n}. } \details{ This function is for internal use only and is not to be called by the user. } \seealso{ \code{\link{ot.helmert}}. } \author{Yu Chuan Tai \email{yuchuan@stat.berkeley.edu}} \keyword{univar}