\name{sampleStep} \alias{sampleStep} \title{Sampling of ascending numbers to ensure minimal spacing.} \description{ Given a vector of ascending numbers and a step width, sample the numbers such that the difference between consecutive numbers is greater than or equal to \code{step}. } \usage{ sampleStep(x, step) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Numeric or integer vector.} \item{step}{Numeric scalar.} } \details{The simple algorithm works greedily from \code{x[1]} to \code{x[length(x)]}. First, \code{x[1]} is selected. Then, if \code{x[i]} is selected, all numbers \code{x[j]} with \code{j>i} and \code{x[j]-x[i]=step}.} \value{ A logical vector of the same length as \code{x}, representing the selected subsample. } \author{W. Huber } \examples{ x = sort(as.integer(runif(20)*100)) sel = sampleStep(x, step=10) x x[sel] } \keyword{manip}