\name{PMindex} \alias{PMindex} \alias{BGindex} \title{Find the index of the exact match (PM) or background probes from a probeAnno environment} \description{Find the index of the exact match (PM) or background probes from a probeAnno environment} \usage{ PMindex(probeAnno) BGindex(probeAnno) } \arguments{ \item{probeAnno}{environment with probe annotations. See package \code{davidTiling} for an example (?probeAnno).} } \details{ These functions extract the exact match probes (PM) or background probes (from intergenic regions outside of known annotations) indices from \code{probeAnno}. These indices can be used to select the relevant rows of intensity data from the \code{ExpressionSet} object for plotting and normalization. } \value{Numeric vector of indices.} \author{Matt Ritchie } \examples{ ## library(davidTiling) ## data(davidTiling) ## data(probeAnno) ## pmind <- PMindex(probeAnno) ## mmind <- MMindex(probeAnno) ## bgind <- BGindex(probeAnno) ## boxplot(as.data.frame(log2(exprs(davidTiling))[pmind,]), outline=FALSE) } \keyword{manip}