\name{drosophila_gpsim_fragment} \docType{data} \alias{drosophila_gpsim_fragment} \title{Fragment of 12 time point Drosophila embryonic development microarray gene expression time series} \description{ Four genes from the 12 time point Drosophila embryonic development Affymetrix microarray gene expression data set by Tomancak et al. (2002). The data has been processed using \code{\link{mmgmos}} and \code{\link{processData}}. } \usage{data(drosophila_gpsim_fragment)} \format{An \code{\linkS4class{ExpressionTimeSeries}} object with 3 repeats of the 12 time points for 4 probes.} \source{\url{ftp://ftp.fruitfly.org/pub/embryo_tc_array_data/}} \references{ Tomancak, P et al. Systematic determination of patterns of gene expression during Drosophila embryogenesis. \emph{Genome Biol} 3:RESEARCH0088, 2002. } \keyword{datasets}