\name{computeAffxSFandSDT } \alias{computeAffxSFandSDT} \title{ Compute SF and SDT values using affxparser routines} \description{ Computes the scaling factor (SF) and statistical difference threshold (SDT) values of Affymetrix GeneChips, for use in calculating S-Score values } \usage{ computeAffxSFandSDT(afbatch, stdvs, pixels, TGT = 500, digits = NULL, verbose = FALSE, plot.histogram = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{afbatch}{ An \code{AffyBatch} object } \item{stdvs}{ matrix of standard deviations for probe intensities from *.CEL file } \item{pixels}{ matrix of number of pixels for probe intensities from *.CEL file } \item{TGT}{ the target intensity to which the arrays should be scaled } \item{digits}{ number of significant digits for SF and SDT values } \item{verbose}{ logical value. If \code{TRUE} it provides more detail of the SF and SDT calculations. } \item{plot.histogram}{ logical value. if \code{TRUE} it plots a histogram of intensities } } \details{ Calculates SF and SDT factors using the algorithms described in the Affymetrix Statistical Algorithms Description Document. The SF and SDT may be used in the calculation of S-Score values, or may be useful in their own right. One SF and SDT value is calculated for each GeneChip, which are arranged in the same order as the columns in the \code{AffyBatch} object. } \value{\code{computeSFandSDT} returns a list containing the following components: \item{SF }{ SF values, one for each GeneChip } \item{SDT }{ SDT values, one for each GeneChip } } \references{ Affymetrix (2002) Statistical Algorithms Description Document, Affymetrix Inc., Santa Clara, CA, whitepaper. \url{http://www.affymetrix.com/support/technical/whitepapers/sadd_whitepaper.pdf} } \author{ Richard Kennedy \email{rkennedy@vcu.edu}} \note{ Based on Affymetrix MAS5 Statistical SDK source code \url{http://www.affymetrix.com/Auth/support/developer/stat_sdk/STAT_SDK_source.zip}, as well as C++ code by Li Zhang and Delphi code by Robnet Kerns } \examples{ if (length(dir(pattern=".cel$")) != 0) { ## Read in the *.CEL files abatch <- ReadAffy() ## compute SF and SDT SfSdt <- computeSFandSDT(abatch) ## show verbose output SfSdt <- computeSFandSDT(abatch,verbose=TRUE) ## plot PM and MM histograms for each *.CEL file SfSdt <- computeSFandSDT(abatch,plot.histogram=TRUE) } } \keyword{ manip }