\name{SScore } \alias{SScore} \title{ Compute S-Score values } \description{ Computes the S-Score values for a pair of Affymetrix GeneChips } \usage{ SScore(afbatch = stop("No CEL files specified"), classlabel = c(0,1), SF = NULL, SDT = NULL, rm.outliers = TRUE, rm.mask = TRUE, rm.extra = NULL, digits = NULL, verbose = FALSE, celfile.path = NULL, celfile.names = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{afbatch}{ An \code{AffyBatch} object } \item{classlabel}{ A vector identifying the class for each column of the \code{AffyBatch} object } \item{SF}{ a list of Scale Factor (SF) values for each GeneChip } \item{SDT}{ a list of Standard Difference Threshold (SDT) values for each GeneChip } \item{rm.outliers}{ should the spots marked as 'OUTLIERS' be excluded from S-Score calculation? } \item{rm.mask}{ should the spots marked as 'MASKS' be excluded from S-Score calculation? } \item{rm.extra}{ if \code{TRUE}, overrides what is in \code{rm.mask} and \code{rm.outliers} } \item{digits}{ number of significant digits for S-Score values } \item{verbose}{ logical value. If \code{TRUE} it provides more detail of the S-Score calculations. } \item{celfile.path}{ character denoting the path for the *.CEL files corresponding to \code{afbatch} } \item{celfile.names}{ optional character vector containing the names of the *.CEL files } } \details{ Computes S-Score values as described by Zhang et al. (2002). \code{SScore} provides a simpler interface for comparing only two classes of GeneChips, while \code{SScoreBatch} compares multiple pairs of chips. The classlabel consists of a vector with one entry for each column of the \code{AffyBatch} object. Each entry consists of a 0 or a 1 to identify the class to which the chip for the corresponding column belongs. \code{SScore} will conduct a two-class test comparing all chips labeled 0 to all chips labeled 1. If classlabel is not specified, it defaults to a two-chip comparison, compatible with previous versions of \code{SScore}. The SF and SDT factors are required for all calculations. If \code{NULL}, these values will be calculated according to the Affymetrix Statistical Algorithms Description Document. \code{digits} allows the specification of the number of significant digits for the S-Score values; if \code{NULL}, the maximum number of significant digits are retained. } \value{ An \code{ExpressionSet} with S-Score values in the \code{exprs} slot. } \references{ Zhang, L., Wang, L., Ravindranathan, A., Miles, M.F. (2002) A new algorithm for analysis of oligonucleotide arrays: application to expression profiling in mouse brain regions. Journal of Molecular Biology, 317(2), pp. 225--35 Kerns, R.T., Zhang, L., Miles, M.F. (2003) Application of the S-score algorithm for analysis of oligonucleotide microarrays. Methods, 31(4), pp. 274--81 } \author{ Richard Kennedy \email{rkennedy@vcu.edu}} \note{ Based on C++ code by Li Zhang and Delphi code by Robnet Kerns } \seealso{ \code{\link{SScoreBatch}},\code{\link{computeSFandSDT}},\code{\link{computeOutlier}} } \examples{ if (length(dir(pattern=".cel$")) != 0) { ## Read in the *.CEL files abatch <- ReadAffy() ## default calling method SScores <- SScore(abatch) ## specifying SF and SDT (gives same results as above) SfSdt <- computeSFandSDT(abatch) SScores <- SScore(abatch,SF=SfSdt$SF,SDT=SfSdt$SDT) ## specifying outlier and masked values should be included in calculations SScores <- SScore(abatch,rm.outliers=FALSE,rm.mask=FALSE) ## round results to 3 significant digits SScores <- SScore(abatch,digits=3) ## show verbose output SScores <- SScore(abatch,verbose=TRUE) } } \keyword{ manip }